Chapter 10-The war against the Titans 1

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Percy didn't know how long he'd been at this. He was hacking, slashing and screaming through the armies of monsters. Krios had swatted Percy upside the head, turned him about and clapped him. However, it seemed that the Titan was called back and Percy could have round 2 with the Echidna. He jumped as the claw's of the killer of Heracles swiped his way. "I killed you once." He reminded the Echidna. "My first death." Echidna admitted. "Not even the hunters could kill me. But, it won't happen again." She snarled, and lunged at him, claws on the ready.

Percy chopped Echidna up for Kabab. "Anyone else wanna fight?" The Chimera blasted fire at him. "Yeah... it seems so. He sliced the goat head off. "Come at me boy!" He whistled, like fetching a dog. The chimera reeled back, pride and used-to-be-head hurt. It didn't last long though, Chimera jumping back in action, its 2 back legs springing upwards with a great roar from the dragon head. Percy sliced Mr. Lion head off, cuz animal services, Ya know?

The last head of the chimera roared at Percy. Percy roared back hitting the dragon head in the nose, concussing it. He sliced the head with great effort swinging his sword, panting heavily. "Hmmph. Anyone else?" The nemean lion grinned in anticipation. "Of course." He muttered. "You. I haven't met you yet. Heard Heracles killed you, killed ol Chimera, completed the labors and the Echidna got revenge for killing her son." He remarked. "You're just a piece of the puzzle aren't you? Heracles, Echidna and Chimera are the picture. You're the background scenery."

Apparently the Nemean lion didn't like being called 'background scenery' It, snarling in anger jumped on top of Percy, pinning him down. "It's all fun and games till now." Percy mumbled. He grabbed the lion and jumped in the air, with the Nemean lion, slamming the creature on the earth, doing a rock bottom. "OOOOH! ROCK BOTTOM, ROCK BOTTOM!" Percy screamed like a madman. The nemean lion groaned on the ground. Percy picked up his sword, Analukusmos, a gift from Poseidon and sliced ol man Nemean into bits.

"You were getting boring." Percy remarked to the gold dust. "I'm quite sure I won't be as much so." A dark voice spoke from above him. There stood Atlas, Titan general. "I heard you're just as good a general as me. Let's see about you're fighting skill." Atlas swung his javelin at him. Oh shit. Percy was in biiiiiig trouble. 'What can I do?' Percy thought. He could use his abilities. Atlas, being the Titan of endurance and combat hadn't had any powers other than extreme skill in fighting and endurance.

Percy flew to the heavens, bringing bolts of lightning down. Atlas barely flinched at the lightning bolts. He threw his javelin, hitting Percy in the shoulder, wounding him and causing him to fall. Percy crashed on the ground with a 'oof'. He rolled back up, barely blocking the blow from Atlas's Broadsword. He jumped back, summoning an earthquake, calling upon 6 storms. He made the winds, howl, creating tornados. Percy brought lightning down, as powerful as he could and with one blow shoved it at the Titan.

This time, it made an impact. Not much of an impact though. Atlas flew threw the air, slamming on a rock, few feet behind him. He stood hp and dusted himself. Atlas pointed at Percy and released a tad of Titan energy. Percy flew through his domain, crashing into a tree, snapping it. 
Percy called upon all his storms, desperately willing something to happen. A thunderous roar shook the lands and all of Percy's power incased in a ball in Percy's hand.

He threw the ball like a grenade, hitting Atlas on the chest, knocking him back all the way into a house, which got smashed and down some other road. By this time, all the monsters were killed and the demigods were resting, healing or watching the battle, anticipating the next wave of monsters.

Atlas stood up, groaning. Percy's power peaked around the power of the god Hermes, who while having a respectable amount of power, was not very powerful compared to the big three. Atlas on the other hand, was just slightly under the big three's power range.

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