FOUR | the light that you stole

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The Nott's eat dinner separately from each other. After the encounter with her father, Blair locked herself up in her room with Draco and refused to come out and talk to anyone but him.

Thankfully, Theo and his parents leave after they've had dinner to go to the party with Mary and William's colleagues, leaving the house to Draco and Blair. Draco cooks Blair a separate dinner, even if she tells him it's not necessary. He insists.

Blair sits down at the kitchen counter like she's done many times over the years to just watch him cook. She's always found it comforting, even before her feelings for him changed.

"Draco?" She says softly, fiddling with her hands.

"Yes, baby?"

She watches the muscles of his back tense under his white shirt when she's silent for a moment too long. "Can you explain it to me? What happens when you get angry.. when you hurt someone?"

After what happened with her father, and how Draco reacted— she needs to understand more. Blair was able to calm him down with comforting words and a few kisses, but she still doesn't get what precisely goes on in his head. And she needs to ask him now, when he's not angry, to get the full truth. Otherwise he'll just speak out of rage only.

"You sure you want to hear?" Draco asks, refilling his glass of wine he keeps besides him.

"Yes," She says firmly. "I need to know. I need to understand how it works, for as far as you know."

Draco's silent for a few long seconds, carefully stirring in the pans, a lovely scent filling the room. "When something angers me, or someone angers me, it's like a switch that flips. I don't control it, I don't know how to stop that shift in me."

Blair listens with her undivided attention, while keeping her eyes on his muscled back, for one split second remembering the night she scratched her nails down it.

"It's like I become a different person. That tattoo starts to burn more and more, and different thoughts and feelings start filling my head. The only thing I know besides hatred and rage in that moment is you. I know I love you, and that I.. want you, but it's feral— and uncontrollable."

Blair shifts in her seat, being reminded of what that feral lust of his is capable of. She shudders, but secretly presses her thighs together, too.

"So when I look at someone I hate, or someone that has made me angry, every bone in my body, every thought in my head, is telling me to kill. It's an automatic response— instict, almost. And the thought of them dead is so addictive that I act on it, and I feel that power inside my body, threatening to burst through my skin. And I need a release, whether it's fucking or killing."

Blair inhales deeply. "So next time you're ready to kill, I should just take you to bed instead?"

Even from behind, Blair can see the chuckle shaking his shoulders. "The bed, the couch, the floor, the counter. You name it," He says. "But you can take me to bed any time, Blair darling, you know that better than anyone."

Her cheeks turn a soft shade of pink as she looks down at her hands, fiddling with the silver bracelet Draco gave her for her nineteenth birthday. I am ready. She brushes her thumb over the words.

 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐒 | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now