"Yeah, asshole Slytherins who don't deserve someone like her," Reggie said with a small chuckle, "I should have just let my brother have her, he was in love with her too... she wouldn't be going through this right now if I had just stayed away."

"You don't know how it would have turned out if she went with him instead of you, besides she really loved you Reg, you meant the whole world to her." The boy told him with a sad smile, "Though Padfoot really did love her too huh?"


Hufflepuff still hadn't calmed down over the win, everywhere Kirra turned in the halls or when she entered the common room, her house mates were always congratulating her and asking her how she had done it.

Her and Mattheo had literally only just gotten back onto good... no great terms, and now they had gone back to not talking to each other at all. And it seemed that Rita Skeeter had seemed to pick up on this too as she continued to post articles about the girl and all the boys that she was appartently leading on.

However, one good thing had seemed to come out of it. No story about Hagrid had appeared in the Daily Prophet. "She didn' seem very int'rested in magical creatures, ter tell yeh the truth," Hagrid said, when Kirra and Jasper asked him how his interview with Rita Skeeter had gone during the last Care of Magical Creatures lesson of the term.

To their very great relief, Hagrid had given up on direct contact with the skrewts now, and they were merely sheltering behind his cabin today, sitting at a trestle table and preparing a fresh selection of food with which to tempt the skrewts. "She jus' wanted me ter talk about you, Kirra," Hagrid continued in a low voice.

"Well, I told her we'd been friends since I went ter fetch yeh from the Dursleys. But she knows about everythin' yeh know, but o'course she cant write about it in her newspaper. 'Never had to tell her off in four years?' she said. 'Never played you up in lessons, has she?' I told her no, an' she didn' seem happy at all. Yeh'd think she wanted me to say yeh were horrible, Kirra."

Kirra already had enough on her plate at the moment with not having a partner for the dance and not being on good terms with her boyfriend, she didn't have time to deal with the stupid woman who was obsessed with her

" 'Course she did," said Jasper, throwing lumps of dragon liver into a large metal bowl and picking up his knife to cut some more.

"She can't keep writing about what a tragic little hero I am, it'll get boring." Kirra said with a groan of annoyance

"She wants a new angle, Hagrid," said Jasper wisely as he shelled salamander eggs. "You were supposed to say Kirra's a mad delinquent!"

"But she's not!" said Hagrid, looking genuinely shocked.

"Well I don't know about that," Jasper said with a cheeky grin on his face as he playfully elbowed the girl, "it seems that she is getting in trouble for something new everyday."

"I have no idea what you are talking about Rowle," Kirra told him with a small grin as she elbowed the boy, "I think that you might be mistaking me for someone else."

"She should've interviewed Snape," said Kirra in annoyance. "He'd give her the goods on me any day. 'Potter has been crossing lines ever since she first arrived at this school. . . .' "

"Said that, did he?" said Hagrid, while Jasper laughed. "Well, yeh might've bent a few rules, Oph, bu' yeh're all righ' really, aren' you?"

"Cheers, Hagrid," said Kirra, grinning. "You coming to this ball thing on Christmas Day, Hagrid?" said Kirra.

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