Alden -

Roman -

Roman -
Pls pls forget I said anything, I didn't mean to send that to you I'm just horny

Roman -

Alden -
You said you were horny

Roman -
That wasn't meant for you 😭

Alden -
Who tf was it meant for then?

Roman -
Just Keaton

Alden -
Why tf are you telling Keaton you're horny

Roman -
Because I'm drunk and so is he and were just talking and he told me to admit something embarrassing or he would message you and tell you embarrassing shit about me but I just managed to embarrass myself instead, your name was below his in my text messages so I must have just clicked on your name by accident

Alden -
You could have lied and tried to tell him anything else 😭

Roman -
Fuck. I didn't think of that. I'm drunk :( and hungry. I'm really hungry

Alden -
You could have even said you meant to say hungry and not horny to me

Roman -

Roman -
Bye I'm gonna go cry coz I'm stupid

Alden -
What actually?

Roman -

Alden -
You're not stupid, you're cute.

Roman -
You think I'm cute? 🥺

Alden -
Yeah of course I do x

Roman -
Now I'm really horny

Alden - 
Did I make you horny baby?

Roman -
I need to go

Alden -
Have fun 😏

27th Dec, 12:16pm

Roman -
I'm so sorry about last night. Omg I've never wanted to kms so bad

Alden -
It's okay 😂 it was pretty funny

Roman -
I'm such an embarrassment

Alden -
I can't tell if you're being serious or not but if you are it's okay, I've had my fair share of embarrassing drunk horny texts so I understand. At least you sent it to someone who obviously likes you

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