Chapter 10: The Gathering

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** Change of POV
~~ Timeskip/Flashback
[abc] Scene Change
abc Alien Form Talking
abc Thinking in Thought
[abc] Doing an Action
{abc} Speaking in Dragon
{abc} Dragon Language Translation
abc Omnitrix Speaking
[abc] Rimuru talking to Great Sage, vice versa
(Y/N): (ABC)/[Alien Name]: (ABC) Thought communication with Rimuru
(Y/N): ([ABC])/[Alien Name]: ([ABC]) Thought communication with Grate Sage


[Kingdom of Blumund]
*Narrator POV*

Within the Kingdom of Blumund, mainly inside the Adventurer's Guild, two men were discussing the events regarding the sudden death of the Orc Lord. The two men were Fuze, Guild Leader, and Velyard, one of Blumund's minsters.

Velyard: So you're telling me a mere slime and a human boy managed to take down the Orc Lord? [looks to Fuze] And they built a city? That's all rather hard to believe, even for the boy. A tall tale at best. [sits on couch] And yet... I know it isn't... It's strange, but we owe our lives to a slime named Rimuru and the boy named (Y/N).

Fuze: Yes, it's true. So what sort of relationship should we seek with them? Should we work on the assumption that the slime and boy are benevolent, or treat them as a threat and attempt to eliminate them?

Velyard: You forget "attempt" is the keyword here. Would it even be possible?

The two men were silent for a minute, or so, before Fuze spoke once more.

Fuze: Do you want an honest answer?

Velyard: I doubt I actually need to hear it.

Silence filled the room once more before Fuze sighs then stands up from his couch.

Fuze: I guess I'll go check it out. I think it's time I met this Rimuru and (Y/N).

In a few short moments, Fuze can be seen outside the adventurer's guild with a certain party behind him.

Fuze: Alright... [looks behind him] Let's move out I can't wait to see this slime and that boy you three told me about.

The group was none other than Kaval's group consisting of Kaval, himself, and his two companions, Eren and Gido as the three have met Rimuru and (Y/N) once before. The group gave a heavy sigh before following their guild master.

Kaval: Well... at least we'll be heading back there again. Wonder how much things've changed?

Gido: I don't know...

Eren: At least we'll see Rimuru, Riley... [blushes] and (Y/N) again.

Kaval: Yeah, right. You're more excited to see (Y/N) again, Eren.

Eren: [blushes more] Sh-Shut it, Kaval!

Thus, the three began arguing more while Fuze gave a heavy, annoyed sigh wondering what he's gotten himself into.

[Jura Tempest Federation, City of Rimuru]

Within the Jura Tempest Federation, Milim eats her laid out breakfast while watched by Shuna and Riley, but the said dog was lying next to Shuna. Milim, taking a spoonful from her small bowl, eats her breakfast while tasting the delicious food set out for her.

Milim: It's delicious! I can't believe how many amazing foods you have here! Can I have seconds?

Shuna gives a small laugh while Shion could be seen sitting near the porch of the house. Riley, however, turns over earning laughter from the three girls.

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