Chapter 7: Gluttony, The One Who Devours All

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** Change of POV
~~ Timeskip/Flashback
abc Alien Form Talking
abc Thinking in Thought
'abc' Doing an Action
{abc} Speaking in Dragon
{abc} Dragon Language Translation
abc Omnitrix Speaking
[abc] Rimuru talking to Great Sage, vice versa


*No One's POV*

In the sky above the war-torn marshlands, Rimuru Tempest and (Y/N) (L/N), but as Big Chill, spot the Orc Lord, until the two heard something coming from the distance.

Big Chill: Rimuru, do you hear something?

Rimuru: Huh?

On the grounds, everyone, even the Orcs, could hear the sound of something coming. Everyone turns their gaze into the sky and notice a red glow in the sky. It grew bigger and was about to crash into both Rimuru and Big Chill, but they dodged in time before it hit.

Big Chill: Okay, what the hell was that?

A cloud of dust appeared, and everyone was on guard ready to strike. The dust cleared and a lone demon stood in a small crater. The demon lifted his head and stared upon everyone.

Rimuru: A majin...

Big Chill: Not any majin...

The demon wasn't too pleased with the events taking place and began ranting. The demon was none other than Lord Gelmud.

Gelmud: What's the big idea?! 'whips cane around' The nerve of you to interfere with the Great Lord Gelmud's plans?!

Rimuru: Gelmud?

Big Chill: The bastard who's behind all of this!

Big Chill floated down and landed next to Shion as both him and the Kijin looked at Gelmud, while he continued his ranting.

Gelmud: A new Demon Lord who would have done my bidding was about to be born! Now you have ruined everything!

Rimuru: Demon Lord?

Benimaru: Say what?

All the while, Big Chill was piecing everything together.

Big Chill: That's what this was all about? A new Demon Lord to be your puppet?! THAT'S WHY YOU GAVE OUT THOSE NAMES!!!

Gelmud: Yes, I have sown so many seeds! That's why I gave out those names!

Big Chill: To create... A CONTROLLABLE PAWN?!

Hakurou: It makes sense now...

Souei: 'gets pissed' That's why you attacked us!

Shion: 'gets pissed more' And killed our people?!

Shion grips tighter on her buster sword as the rest get ready to attack. Big Chill goes intangible and vanished underground. Everyone was too preoccupied to have noticed Big Chill missing. On the side, Gabiru is excited to see Gelmud, but unaware by Gelmud's true intentions.

Gabiru: 'excited' Oh! It's Lord Gelmud!

Blue: Is that the one who gave Sir Gabiru his name?

Gabiru slightly approaches Lord Gelmud thinking he'll help.

Gabiru: Why are you here? Could it be that you've come to help us?


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