Aija shrugged.


"I haven't seen him yet."

"Right," Ba'diur shifted his weight from leg to leg. "It shocked even me to see Ea, there, like that...," he cleared his throat. "I can't imagine what Ah'n must be going through. I know he hates us, but could you tell him Var-Inu and I are there for him?"

Aija saw Ba'diur's hope pervade his eyes. Thieron may never agree to take help from them, but, "Sure, I'll let him know."

"Thanks, you take care, Aija."


The Ytai opened his mouth as if to add something else, but shut it instantly, smiled, bowed, and left. Aija stood, seeing Ba'diur disappear into a room at the far end of the hallway. Var-Inu stood at the door, watching her, smiling when she caught him. She didn't return a smile, and the man went back into the room, leaving her alone in the corridor. She hadn't liked the knowing-smile he'd given her; it slithered on her skin, pricking bumps over it.

Needing to be needed somewhere, Aija headed to the Dining Hall to ask if they required help handing out food-packages. Zuri, Nala, Luka, and Xan were at a table having lunch. Zuri waved at Aija.

"Why don't you eat something?" Luka asked when she joined them.

"I'm not hungry," Aija sat beside her best friend.

It was the first Luka had spoken to her in days. It wasn't awkward between them, but it wasn't exactly entirely alright. Aija knew what Luka felt for her; she'd seen the pink in his aura in her presence. But she didn't know how to handle it between them, for she didn't feel the same way. Luka hadn't mentioned his feelings to her, she hadn't asked, and Aija supposed it'd remain that way.

Luka studied her a second longer before getting back to his food.

"Anything on Ah'n and Ayr'i?" Aija asked.

"Nothing," Nala answered.

Aija pouted, shoulders slumped. Zuri offered her a piece of orange from her tray. Aija took it, biting into the fruit; the juice filled her mouth, the sweetness remedying her ailing mood by a shade.

"What's wrong, Ms Niyarah?" Xan handed his share of orange to her. When she declined, he bent over the table and placed it in her palm.

Aija felt guilty; she should get her own food-packet. "I just need to do something,"

"You just can't sit still like Ah'n," Nala narrowed her eyes.

Aija felt the heat in her cheeks rise. No one had said anything about her and Thieron being together. It'd been easy acceptance as if it were an eventuality. Only Zuri had commented, 'I'm happy you're doing what's right for you.' In conversations, Aija did hear a lot of 'Aija and Ah'n,' along with 'Zuri and Iro'h,' like it'd always been that way. Aija appreciated how comforting it was.

"Then let's go to Apper Town," Zuri suggested. "I'll introduce you to my family. I'm sure we'll be back by the time they are done with Ea."

Aija didn't mind. She focussed on Luka and Nala for their approval. They exchanged a fleeting look, so much information passing in that second between them.

Xan gushed. "Let's go!"

"Come on, Iro'h," Zuri gave her a cutesy smile.

Nala eyed her, amused. "Fine,"

"Luka?" Zuri asked.

Luka shrugged.


Aija hated what she saw in Apper Town.

The air, inhospitable, the roads, pot-holed, the houses, rundown.

When Zuri declared, 'We're home!' Aija had loathed Mike Wiet. She didn't know what Rei intended to do to him, but whatever it was, Wiet deserved worse. Apper Town wasn't as filthy or dilapidated as the Open, but it was on the course. Aija couldn't believe Zuri had grown up here, feeling ashamed of her Mansion. Even when Zuri had told her about her visit to Aija's home, she hadn't mentioned anything about the opulence with disdain. Aija would now be offended if Zuri didn't hate her for the luxurious life she'd lived.

Xan stood next to her, in the King's front-yard, equally mortified. The only ones seemingly unbothered were the Ytai.

A full moon shined above them; Zuri took it in for long moments and knocked at the door. Zuri's brother, Alex, answered the door, and what ensued was what Aija could only describe as cheerful chaos. With hugs and kisses to Zuri from the rest of the Kings to pleasantries from them to the family, the home was filled with warmth.

Xan stuck to Aija as he always did when she was around. But this time, she suspected it was more so because of the apparent disparity between Innermost and Apper, and Xan felt as contrite as Aija.

Aija apologised to Zuri's parents for lying when they'd come to Innermost, seeking information on their daughter. They accepted it effortlessly, saying Aija had no choice then. It made her feel lighter, though it wasn't much of a sin.

After the dinner Imani insisted they have, Zuri took Aija and Xan around her house. It wasn't much; two rooms, one for her parents and one for the siblings. When they returned, they found Luka helping Imani with the dishes and Noah and Nala in conversation in the backyard. Noah was as tall as Nala. Aija had noticed that among Ytai, Nala was actually short.

"Are you worried?"

Zuri grinned. "No. Nothing scares Iro'h or Noah. I'm sure it'll be fine."

Aija was impressed by Zuri's confidence. Then she had a sudden realization; she went still, and Zuri noticed.



"Yes, Ai,"

"Do I have to introduce Thieron to my family?"

Zuri's eyes widened. "Oh, that'll be one intense meet."

"I don't know if they already hate him based on what Rei's told them."

Zuri chuckled. "I can't believe we're having this conversation. We've come a long way, Ai. I like where we've reached."

Aija slid her arm over Zuri's elbow, holding her close, and rested her head on Zuri's arm. Zuri kissed her on the head.

"Ms Niyarah?"

"Yes, Xan,"

"Can I bring Vaughn? Not right away, before we leave to Ierne. I want to be with him."

Aija heard the wistfulness in Xan's voice. "Of course, Xan, you can bring him anytime."

Xan smiled. "Thanks, Ms Niyarah,"

"I can't wait to see Vaughn," Zuri chimed.

Xan blushed.

They waited as Noah came, expression unreadable. Behind him, Nala watched warily for Zuri and Aija's reactions.

Noah smiled at his daughter, "I approve," he murmured and went back inside.

Zuri grinned, seeing her Nala relaxed, running her hand through her hair, a soft smile lacing her lips.


"Yes, Ai," 

"I like where we've reached, too."



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