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So this is basically going to be me telling you guys that I've quite writing. I said this in the last chapter. Lately school has been kinda stressful (Mainly math class.) so I don't get any time to write. I wake up at 6 in the morning to get ready then I come home at 4 in the afternoon and do homework for the rest of the day.

But tbh it's not just that. Normally I DO have free time at some point. But it's just not there anymore. So I've officially quit writing stories all together. I was thinking of deleting this story and another that I wrote called "Mystic Messenger" based on the game Mystic Messenger but I decided against it. I'll keep these on my page but I won't be updating. I've very very sorry. I'm sure there weren't even people who liked this story but I continued writing and posting anyway because that's what I loved to do. I loved writing! But, I say "loved" because the motivation just isn't there anymore. I truly am sorry.

  I always have such high hopes for the stories I write in the beginning. But once I get to a certain point I don't know where to go and I'm constantly in a state of writers block. That's why I decided to quit writing. I don't want to post so many stories and never finish any of them, that's just kinda stupid.

  Lately I have no motivation to do anything and I'm truly sorry about that. I used to be happy writing stories but not anymore.

  I get these story ideas from daydreams I have. So that means that when I day dream I'm like "oh that would be a great story idea!" So I write it down and start it but I never finish my day dreams so I never know what to do next. In this book (y/n) is currently going through her flashbacks of times she's had with Kageyama up until the current time where she's met him in person after so long. I know I could at least post one more chapter about his reaction of his POV but I don't know how to write it. You guys can day dream the rest of it if you'd like.

  Like I was saying I'm just all in all very very sorry to the little chance of people liking the stories I make.'s over.

I love you guys that read it and everything but I just can't write anymore.

Please understand.

Anyway, have a good day/night wherever you are! Please follow your dreams and do things that make you happy! I believe in all of you! Just k ow if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you☺️love you all! Peace✌️

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