Elementary Flashback

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(y/n) POV:
Flashback to kindergarten:

"Alright children, we have a new little friend joining us. Would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher asked in a kind tone.

"My name is Tobio Kageyama.." The dark blue haired boy said in a shy voice.

"HI! MY NAME IS (L/N) (Y/N)! IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU!" Younger me yelled from the back of the classroom.

"(Y/n), inside voice.." The teacher said.

  As the blue haired boy named Kageyama looked up from the ground, my (e/c) eyes met his. We stayed like that for a little bit until the teacher spoke up again and Kageyama moved his gaze back down to the ground.

"Ok children, settle down." The teacher told the other students as they started to talk about Kageyama.

"Why don't we all introduce ourselves to Kageyama!" She announced, clapping her hands in the process.

"We'll start in the back with (y/n)." She said, gesturing at me.

"Hi, my name is (l/n) (y/n). I'm 6 years old and I love volleyball! I hope we can be very good friends Kageyama!" I ended with a wide, closed-eye smile. I then saw him smile back at me with a tiny smile and blush on his cheeks.

  As the other kids introduced themselves, I just couldn't take my eyes off of him. I feel like there's more to him then he's showing us. I really wanna get to know him and become friends. He just seems so...interesting.

  After the kids got done introducing themselves, the teacher told Kageyama to sit by me. So, of course I was gonna take this as a chance to get close to him. He wasn't much of a talker and every time he would talk, and I got happy by his response, his face would get really red. I can tell that he's a very shy person but I know in my heart that he's kind.
  It's now the end of the day, time to finally go home. At lunch, me and Kageyama sat by each other. He wanted to go outside with the others, but I begged him to stay inside with me. It was only me and him inside, so I got to know him better. I found out that also likes volleyball and prefers to only talk once he gets to know somebody. As I started to walk out of the school building, I noticed Kageyama by the front gate so I went up to him.

"Boo." I said in his ear.

"Ah, (y/n), don't scare me like that." He said, flinching and gripping his bag straps.

"Heheh, sorry about that Tobio-kun!" I apologized.

"T-tobio-kun..?!" He stuttered, his face as red as a tomato.

"OH! Oops sorry..I hope you don't mind me using your first name. I just thought..since we are friends..I could call you that." I said, fidgeting with the hem of my school uniforms dress.

"N-no i-it's fine. It just s-suprised me that's all." He said, relaxing a bit, looking at the ground, still red.

"YAY! Anyway, what are you still doing at school? Everyone else is already walking home?" I asked, pointing at the students walking away from the school.

"O-oh I was just getting ready to go but...I was mainly just waiting on you.." He said, whispering the last part, becoming even more red.

"Y-you w-were?! R-really T-Tobio-kun?!" I said, getting excited and turning red.

"Y-yes.." He replied, turning around to hide his face.

"OK! LET'S GO THEN!" I said, linking our arms together.

  As we walked on the sidewalk I tried to keep a conversation with him so it wouldn't be quiet, but it was a bit difficult. So, I decided to bring up volleyball in hopes it would finally interest him. It did. He talked a lot about how he's always been interested in volleyball and he would like to play when he gets older.

  As we passed a park I recognized very well, I noticed that we were already at my apartment building. It's not just any building though, it's very expensive but mommy and daddy do a lot of hard work so we can live there.
"Oh no..." I said, unhooking our still linked arms and moving my gaze to the huge apartments.

"What? What's wrong (y/n)?" He asked, stopping in his tracks and his voice filled with concern.

"We're already at my house...I was having so much fun talking with you that I guess time flew by..." I said, changing my gaze to the sidewalk. Tears then started to brim my eyes as I kept thinking, 'I wanted to spend more time with him.'

"E-eek! P-please don't cry (y/n)! We can still see each other tomorrow! I..promise.." He said, flustered, while giving me a small hug.

"T-Tobio-kun..." I was shocked. I, of course, hugged back.

  After I hugged back, he pulled away with his face as red as a tomato. I already missed the warmth he carried. We ended up bidding our farewells and went our own ways. I walked into the apartment building to be greeted by my mom and her beautiful smile.

"Why hello my dear (y/n). How was school today darling?" She asked as she grabbed my bag off my back for me.

"It was so fun mom!"

"Oh? Well I would love to hear about how your day was. How about we journey to your room?" She asked in a gentle voice.

"Ok!" I said with a big bright smile.
"And then, we ended up walking home together and I ended up crying! But don't worry mom, he comforted me! He gave me a hug that I wish lasted forever! And then he ended up leaving which was really sad..." I finished, looking down at my bed sheets. As soon as we got to my room, I immediately started talking about the moments I had with Tobio-kun.

"Well he sounds like a wonderful person (y/n)!" She said with a big smile.

"He is, He is!"

"Soooo~ does this mean my little baby girl is all grown up?~ Aww man you are only in kindergarten. You're still so young." My mom said, being dramatic.

"W-WHAT?! MOM! He's just a friend okay?!" I blushed madly.

"What's this? A family meeting without me?" Dad asked as he stood at the door.

"Oh, sorry dear," She said, departing from the bed and walking to him. When she got to him she put her left hand on his chest and with the other hand wiping something off his coat. "It appears your daughter has a little crush." She said, smirking at me.


"Oh do you now?" Dad asked.

"What is this young man's name? I would like to have a little chat with him. Just to make sure he is the right person for my precious angel." He continued.

"DAAAD!" We all then burst into laughter as I calmed down my heart from being so embarrassed.

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