The First Day at Karasuno pt.1

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Before getting into the story I would just like to say that I'm sorry for posting late. I got home from school Friday and was EXHAUSTED! And I completely forgot about the story today so I'm really really sorry😕anyway back to the story🥲

"My turn." He said after receiving the paper back. He signed it.

  It's been 3 days since mom and dad got officially divorced. Today is now Tuesday and my first day at Karasuno high school. Technically, the school has been going on for 3-4 weeks now but with the whole situation I was just is my first day. I woke up at 6 to make sure I wouldn't be late. Doing my normal morning routine, I heard my mom call out my name.

"(Y/N)! BREAKFAST IS READY!!" She yelled from the kitchen downstairs.

"Oh. COMING MOM!" I yelled back at her. "I could have swore she wasn't awake earlier.
Oh well. Smells like my favorite." I said to myself, wiping the drool from my mouth.

As I walked downstairs, I grabbed my bag from my room so that I could go to school right after eating.

"Good morning (y/n)! Sleep well?" She asked me with a smile on her face.

"Yeah! I mean not really at first because I was nervous about everything, but after I calmed down a bit I managed to get some sleep." I said as I sat down at my seat. She then handed me a plate of (f/b).

"Ah, thanks mom, smells amazing!"

"Yep! Eat up!" She said to me, grabbing her plate on the stove.

"Thank you for the meal!" I said, clapping my hands together before digging in.

"THIS TASTES SO GOOD MOM!" I said with stars in my eyes.

"Aww thanks honey!" She said, sitting down in front of me.
After eating I bid goodbye to my mom telling her I would see her after school.

"Actually, (y/n), I'm going to be looking for a job around town while you're in school. So I won't be seeing you right when you get home. I'll see you around 5 though. Sorry (y/n), I just want to make sure we have enough money in case something pops up." She explained to me.

"It's okay mom. I know how much you always like to be prepared for the future. I wouldn't expect anything less." I said as I let out a chortle.

"Thanks (y/n). Now, you better leave before you're late. Don't wanna miss the first day of school do you?" She asked me, letting a small smirk come form on her face.

"OH! RIGHT! SEE YOU AFTER- ER I MEAN AT 5!" I yelled as I dashed out the door.

"...well goodbye to you to..."
I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. The whole way walking, in silence, to school made me think about every possible thing that could go wrong.

'They could all laugh at me because I'm new. Or maybe, they'll laugh because I'm always nervous.'

'I could be talking to someone and accidentally spit.'

'Or what if after lunch, I'm talking to someone and I have food in my teeth.'

'O-or maybe I won't even end up talking to ANYONE and end up being a loner. Oh man, what if I had to eat lunch in the bathroom because no one likes me. Or have to eat in the bathroom because there aren't any seats left. Wait- I'm not in America anymore. We eat in the classrooms or outside.'



'WHAT IF-' I was cut off by running into someone.

"OH I-I'M SO SORRY! I GUESS I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION!" said the random stranger.
"It's fine don't worry about it.." I said as I rubbed my butt.

"Here, let me help you up!" They said as I started to stand up.

"Oh, thank you." I said, thanking him as I grabbed his hand that he extended out to me.

"YEP!" They said as they picked me up. As I looked up I saw...

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