The Breakup

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It's now the last month of this year till we go to high school. I'm very excited! Me and Kageyama have been together for a while now and we decided on going to the same high school. Our decision is set on going to Karasuno High School. It's the same school the tiny giant went to.

  As we walk down the sidewalk after school to have our usual meeting at the park, we walk hand in hand making small conversations. Talking about things like, how the day was, what kind of homework we have, what's coming up in school, and just every normal question to ask.

"Ahh~" I sigh.

"What is it?" He asked,  

"Oh nothing, just thinking how nice today's weather is." I said, closing my eyes and lifting my head to the sky.

"Oh. I guess it is a nice day." He said, also smiling and looking up at the clouds.

"Hey." I said in a whisper and stopped in the middle of the crosswalk.

"What's wrong (y/n)?" He said, also stopping tightening the grip on our hands.

"Oh um, n-nevermind. Uh look there's the park! Let's hurry!" I stuttered, pulling him with me.

"Nē, chotto matte!"

  As I pulled him along with me I questioned what that was as well. For some reason I wanted to ask what would happen if we moved. I mean, it would be understandable if one of my parents left to go somewhere else because of their work, but why would I ask him something like that? Maybe I'll figure it out later. For now I just wanna hang out with my boyfriend.

I stopped in front of the swing I always sit in when we are here and started to blush.


"Hey, can you please tell me what's wrong? You've been acting kinda strange all day. Are you sick? We don't have to be here today if you would rather go home and rest. With how you are, I know you don't ever sleep." He said in a worried tone.

'I swear this man is too good for me...' I thought to myself.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry. I guess I'm just a little nervous is all." I say blushing.

"Oh ok if that's all it is. But, what are you nervous about if you don't mind me asking...l-love." He said, blushing at his last comment.

'Did he just call me LOVE?!'

"W-well, um, ugh ok so since we don't keep secrets I might as well tell you. I had a thought earlier..."

"About what?" He asked, listening carefully.

"About..well, what if my parents and I moved kags? I mean it's possible. Dad always has business out of town but what if one day he gets offered a job in a completely different country? I don't want that to happen. I wanna stay here with you and enjoy every day together.." I said fast.

"Hey hey, (y/n), it's ok. If that ever does come to happen we can make it work. That's what phones are for after all. I'm sure we will be ok even if you are half the world away." He said, giving a reassuring smile.

"Thank you, tobio.." I said, smiling back.
"But I really don't understand. Why do we have English as a class when we speak Japanese?!" I said, frustrated.

"I agree. And not because I just suck at the class." Kageyama said.

  We finally made it to my house after a long conversation about many different things. That's something I love about our relationship, we can talk about anything and everything and have a good time.

"Well, looks like it's my stop now.." I said.

"Yeah.." Kageyama sounded sad. I decided to make the biggest move already and kissed him. But not what you think. I kissed him on the cheek.

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