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Double Update because... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUCKY! And Happy birthday to my Grandmother, who turns the amazing, bright age of 67 today! She actually hasn't been feeling well, so could you give her some love? That'd be great!

Onto Chapters 9 and 10!!!!!! :^)


Stefan's Point Of View

'Having fun' went absolutely wonderful.

How do I know?

Well, for one, he was smiling the whole night, telling me an unnecessary amount of times how much he was enjoying our date.

For two, I made sure we did everything that he loved to do; we went to the park, and then the movies, and then we got dinner at his favorite diner that he told me about, and then we got ice cream.

And the third reason being that I woke up the next morning on my couch, naked, with a naked James snuggled up to me with a throw blanket covering our bodies, our clothes scattered about my dorm.

I stared at his peaceful, sleeping face, watching as he breathed deeply, his lips curled up in a small smile.

A few stray hairs fell over his eyes, and I gently swept them away, rucking them behind his ear.

It made me feel warm inside, seeing him happy.

"It's not nice to stare."

I chuckled. "Good morning to you, too."

He looked up at me, his eyes open, his smile bright and giddy. "Good morning." He murmured, shimmying up to kiss my lips.

I put my arms around him, kissing him back, only pulling away when he did, resting his head under my chin.

I kissed his head.

"I forgot to call Steve and let him know I was staying the night."

I froze.

The Steve that threatened to kill me with his eyes, Steve? That Steve?!?

"Well... Shit."


I made a mental note to run as soon as the door opened, but when Steve opened his apartment door, I froze, my mind turning blank.

James smiled at Steve sweetly, giving him a hug before Steve could strangle me.

"He was a complete gentleman and I had a wonderful time. I forgot to call you, I'm sorry for making you worry, ok?"

Steve clenched his jaw, looking between me and James, until he relented, letting us into his apartment after he took the apology mac and cheese from me, muttering a 'thank you'.

I sat on the couch next to James, while Steve sat in an armchair across from us.

He didn't have a TV; which I thought was strange, but I didn't want to ask, for fear that he would take offense to it.

But, fortunately for me, James spoke about the lack of TV, but in possibly the worst way I could think of.

"Still no TV? I thought you knew how to work the one at the tower? Still can't figure it out?"

Steve glared at him half-heartedly.

"I know how to use a TV, thank you very much."

I just offered a polite smile, avoiding Steve's eyes as I held James's hand.

"Well, we came here to see you. Check box checked. See you tomorrow at work, Steve."

And with that, without warning, I was dragged outside.

"Where are we going?" I laughed, letting him pull me down the sidewalk.

He didn't look back at me, didn't answer me; no.

Instead, he decided to pull me into a park that Steve had a few blocks from his apartment, and pulled me down to the grass.

I landed with a thump, chuckling as he laid down on top of me.

"What's all this for?" I hummed as he kissed me, my hands finding their home on his thighs, steadying him on top of me.

"We have all day together. I'm making the most of it." His tone gave away that there was definitely something he was planning, and I eyed him suspiciously, my eyes narrowed.

"What are you planning?" I interrogated, sitting up with him in my lap.

He ignored my question, distracting me with kisses and his ass right on my lap.

"James." I warned, but he did it again; lifting his ass up an inch or two, before setting it back down on my lap, this time applying more weight to make contact and friction.

I quickly stood up, and placed his feet firmly on the ground.

"Stefan!" He argued, but I just grabbed his hand, pulling him down the street to head back to my dorm.

"Where are we going?"

I laughed darkly.

"We're going to finish what you just started, James."


I sat against the headboard, watching the sun set.

Yes, set.

We got to the dorm about 20 minutes after we left the park. We went to sleep after rolling around for a couple hours, and I woke up just in time for the sun set.

James was sound asleep, adorably curled up in bed next to me, huddled under the comforter.


I turned my head, and saw one eyelid unglue itself open before the other, and he looked at me through blurry, tired eyes.

"Come back... 's cold..." He mumbled, reaching his arm out and making a tired, weak grabby-hand motion.

I chuckled, and held his hand in mine, bringing it up to kiss the back of it, the metal cold against my lips.

"I love you, James."

He grumbled, and moved closer to me when he noticed I hadn't moved.

"Shove it up your ass. I's cold." He huffed, pulling me down on the bed, laying on top of me.

I chuckled, and kissed his head, wrapping my arms around him to heat him up.

"You really are cold." I muttered, and he just snuggled his face farther into my chest, not willing to let me go.

"You think Fury will be mad if I call in tomorrow?" I felt his breath on my chest as he spoke gently, like he was afraid of the answer.

"Yes. Yes he would." I didn't make it a point to lie to him, and answered honestly, one of my hands stroking his back, making him shiver.

"Maybe you could come to work with me then?" He reasoned, and I shook my head, kissing his hair a few times.

"I can ask Fury to be reassigned, but I'm not needed at the compound; he'll say no."

He whined a little, and I shushed him gently, an amused smile playing on my lips.

"Oh, stop it. You'll be too busy for little ol' me anyway, James, I'm sure." I reasoned, but he just pouted, scowling out the window.


He lifted his head, and looked at me, his tired, still half asleep eyes full of hope.

"-... I love you." I repeated the words, pecking his nose.

He blushed, burying his face into my chest.

Before I fell back asleep, I smiled, hearing him say "I love you more."

Making Up For Lost Time - [James Barnes x Male OC]Where stories live. Discover now