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When Shi Chen came back, the generals hurriedly ran out.

Nie Jia laughed, and beckoned to Shi Chen by retreating the mysterious armor beside him.

Shi Chen raised his fists at the embarrassed backs of the generals before putting down the curtain, and returned to Nie Jia with the food to feed him a delicious meal.

The two were gossiping. After eating, Nie Jia's physical strength recovered almost, and Shi Chen led him out of bed for a walk in the barracks. The two of them had countless things to say, and they didn't let anyone follow them. They just held hands and wentssip. All they encountered along the way were the pious and adoring gazes of the soldiers.

"The power of faith is very powerful. Zhao Wushang lost this battle." Shi Chen rubbed Nie Jia's fingertips and took Nie Jia for a walk by the cool Qilin River to digest food.

"Qi Jinyu is still in my hands, of course he can't win." Nie Jia smiled, looked up at Shi Chen's profile, and said softly, "You seem to be different from when you were a child."

Shi Chen leaned against a big rock by the river on the NIE Clare came in his arms, chin to his shoulder and a pestle, like a big dog did not eat in the bar, "you and the child is not the same."

Nie Jia somewhat timid slightly Minchun, lying he did not speak shoulder, Chen gently hugged his lower back when only feel, deep voice sounded in my ears, "my big baby will finally bite the child."

said Nie Jia big hand flap in the back of the head I took two, as if pleased with my old father.

Nie Jia finally smiled comfortably, turned her head and slapped Shi Chen's face, and said softly, "I love you."

Shi Chen looked at him, "It's not enough, say a few more words."

Nie Jia lay on the ground He murmured on his shoulders for half the night.

When the love between the two by the Qilin River was strong, Jun Changyue was sent back to Triumph City for custody. After all, the king didn't order him to be killed, and he didn't know how to execute him. Jun Changyue was under house arrest in the northwest palace. He was served with delicious food and drink, but he couldn't step out of the door.

He was so anxious, and now that the people's hearts were lost, he was not worried about himself, what he was worried about was Sikong Han who was far away in Zhuolu. Who would have thought that his brother's blood could have such an effect, pulling life out of hell. Now both Triumph City and the Northwest Army regard him as a real dragon descending to the world, and the name Sikong Han has long since been forgotten, but Sikong Han has no way of knowing all of this.

What should I do...

Jun Changyue stayed up all night, her throat was burning with anxiety. At this time, there was no one available around him. In the afternoon, he tricked a servant from the Northwest Palace to find a carrier pigeon. After describing the situation in a few simple strokes, the carrier pigeon was released with all his hopes.

But before the pure white carrier pigeon flew over the northwest palace, it was shot through the heart by a dark sleeve arrow and fell straight in front of Jun Changyue.

Xuanjia Laojiu retracted his arms, and lowered his sleeves expressionlessly to cover the delicate mechanism on his wrist.

Ji Jiarong walked over and picked up the dead pigeon, looking at it with sparks in her eyes.

Jun Changyue's face was pale, and she took a step back and closed the door. A door in a mere room could not stop Ji Jiarong. General Gui De stepped up and kicked it open, causing Jun Changyue to scream in surprise, and his heart was broken.

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