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Ryujin and I talked for a bit, until I went home. I opened the door to my apartment and I saw a plastic bag with a pink sticky note on my kitchen counter. I started to read the note.

'Yeji, we left you some leftovers from the restaurant. We hope you like it! Take care of yourself and eat healthy' - Lia, Chaeryeong, and Yuna!<3

I placed the note back down and opened the bag. Inside was two containers with tteokbokki, Korean barbecue, cucumber, and lettuce. I grabbed a pair of wooden chopsticks and started to eat. After I finished, I texted the group chat. 'Thanks for the food guys!'

'No problems unnie! Also, we're going somewhere tomorrow and you better come.. It's lonely without you!' Chaeryeong responded.

'Don't worry, I'll come!" I texted back.


I had stayed up late last night and I woke up at 2 in the morning. I checked my phone that was blowing up with notifications. I thought I went blind when I saw the blazing bright screen. As I was scrolling through the messages from the group chat, Yuna called me. I answered and placed my phone to my ear.

"YEJI UNNIE! YOUR FINALLY AWAKE!!" She screamed through the phone and almost broke my ear drum.

"Yuna, don't yell! Your going to make me deaf!" I warned her, half awake.

"Sorry, are you ready unnie? We're outside waiting." She told me but I didn't pay attention to a thing that she said.

I spaced out for a bit until Yuna screamed my name. "YEJI UNNIE!! ANSWER!"

"Huh.. Just wait I'll open the door." I responded.

I got out of bed and slowly walked to the door. I opened it and the three of them were standing outside with their arms crossed. I invited them in and we sat down at the table.

"Are y'all mad or something?" I asked them as I sipped my cup of coffee that I just made.

"Unnie, are you seeing someone?" Chaeryeong had spoken up.

"No, what makes you think that?" I scratched my head in confusion.

"Last night, Lia unnie was passing by a neighborhood and she saw you going into someone's house.. Last time we checked, we're the only friends you had in Jeju.."

"Oh, that, that was someone I met a couple days ago. We're just friends.." I told them.

"While we're on this topic, do you think you'll ever open your heart again for someone else?" Lia asked me..

"I don't think I'm ready yet.." I responded. "I'll go change. I'll be back in a couple minutes."

I speed walked to my room and slammed the door shut. My back facing the door, I slid down and sat on the cold floor. 

"W-why did you have to leave me?" I softly mumbled as a couple tears fell down.

I soon got up and changed. I wiped my eyes before going back to the group.

"So, where are we going?" I asked everyone.

"We're going to an amusement park!!" Yuna exclaimed in excitement.

I told her to be quiet because people might be sleeping or taking a nap.

"Unnie, by the way, I got my drivers license and I'm driving today!!" Yuna told me with a big smile on her face.

"Congrats!" I congratulated her. "I call shotgun!"

We got in Yuna's car and she started to drive. My heart was racing fast because on Yuna's driving. I thought we were going to crash.

"YUNA, USE YOUR SIGNALS!" I reminded her as I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I gripped onto my seatbelt, "Yuna, you better not crash my car!"

We finally made it to the amusement park, they were all teasing me because of how I acted.

"Unnie, you were overreacting." Yuna told me, placing her arm around my shoulder. "Just admit it unnie, I'm an amazing driver!"

"Hah, you wish!" I joked.


I headed to the office, my secretary told me that someone was in my office waiting for me. I went in and a man was sitting on my chair.

"Get off." I told him, my face serious.

He got off and I sat down, he slammed his hands on my desk and spoke up, "So, your Ryujin?"

"Yes, why?" I asked him, looking through my documents.

"What's your relationship with Yeji?" He responded, pulling the document away from me.

"Hwang Yeji? We're friends, why?" I brought my head up to look at him.

"Good." He replied and walked away.

"Wait, what's your name and who are you?" I asked him, making him stop.

"I'm Choi Soobin.." he turned his head back to look at me, then left.

a/n: hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I hope y'all have a good day! Love y'all!!<33

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