Daddy's Little Vixen - Part 2 (Toji x F!Reader)

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I'm back from the dead, surprisingly. New Year, New Me? Nah, just a version of me that's in a better headspace and motivated again.

Without rambling too much, my mental health went nope and I kept procrastinating over how to write out Toji's character during certain parts. He's probably- okay no that's a lie, he's DEFINITELY a lot more OOC and softer Toji than most fics *cough* Tumblr  *cough* but this is my work and that's that so...yeah.  If ya don't like it then that's on you, I suppose.

Over 400 reads here is also pretty wild, thanks a lot for the support! :)

Much love,

Word Count: 18,516.

Reader's POV:

Almost five months later and we're back with part two of this crackhead bullshit that Author-chan calls a story.

Now for a quick little recap of what happened last time, after some much needed spicy one on one time with Toji at the sacrificial cost of half of my outfit and the ripped up remnants of my couch armrest, Toji has surprisingly offered to cook for me while I get changed into something a little less...revealing.

Quickly walking down my hallway towards my bedroom as I noticed how cold my apartment felt considering I was half naked still, I could hear the sounds of Toji rummaging through my kitchen as I pondered on what he would cook for me. I couldn't even remember what food I had left in my fridge and cupboard since I last went food shopping a week ago, so I can't hazard a guess about it either. Fuck, I'm surprised he even offered to make me something to eat since I wasn't even sure if he could cook in the first place.

Far too lost in my thoughts about food and Toji to realize I had entered my bedroom and stopped by my bed, I jumped in surprise as I heard my phone ping with a text from my bedside table. Noticing I still held my torn clothes in my arms as I chuckled at my startled reaction, I glanced around for a spot to dump them for now as I sighed sadly at the loss of such nice lingerie. Honestly I could try to sew them up and fix them but the way they were ripped makes it hard to do that, I doubt a homeless shelter would want torn lingerie and pajama shorts that smell like sex either.

My eyes locked on the trashcan in the far corner of my room as a relieved smile tugged at my lips, striding over to it and dropping my torn clothes into the trash. Noticing that my balcony door was still open from Toji's little Tarzan moment earlier, I quickly strode over towards it and closed it gently along with the curtains- don't need any creeps in the apartment block across the street trying to cop a peak, after all. Deciding to get changed first before I checked my phone, I walked over to my closet and quickly looked for something to wear, a triumphant grin on my lips as I found a matching set of light grey and cream lace lingerie.

Holding my lingerie in one hand while I searched for something more to wear, I quickly grabbed a comfy pair of black leggings, a teal and vanilla white floral top with a v-neckline and a maroon red woolen cardigan. I hummed in happiness at the soft feel of the cardigan beneath my fingertips as I quickly grabbed my outfit of choice and walked over to my bed to get changed, sitting down on it with a content sigh as I placed my clothes by my side.

Stripping off my pajama top over my head and tossing it into my laundry basket nearby, I side eyed my phone in curiosity as I grabbed my lingerie and slid my underwear up my legs first. Standing up quickly to pull my underwear on as I noticed my legs weren't as shaky anymore, I felt like I was on autopilot as I quickly grabbed my bra. I slid the straps over my shoulders as my mind decided to recall the memory of Satoru undoing my bra last night with that swoon worthy look in his hypnotic blue eyes, reaching my hands behind my back to do up the bra clasp as I blushed at the heated memory.

Damn it, Satoru...

Blinking away that mental image from my mind while I slipped my top over my head and lightly tugged it over my body as it hugged my curves slightly, I picked up my pair of black leggings and stepped into them as I bent down to tug them up my legs. Sliding them up my legs over halfway as I made sure they weren't creased or caught on anything, I stood up straight with a huff of frustration as I instinctively jumped on the spot to make it easier to pull them the rest of the way over my ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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