Daddy's Little Vixen - Part 1 (Toji x F!Reader)

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Hey there darlings, loves and little vixens~

Yeah, I'm still alive and simping hard like usual. I'm terribly sorry for taking far too damn long to write this chaotic mess up like it's been over a damn month, so I'm quite disappointed in myself for making you all wait so damn long.

Thanks so much for being so patient with me and without further ado, enjoy some Toji- well, my weird version of him at least.

Also yes, I wrote so much about this man that I felt the need to break it up into two parts- Definitely a higher word count than Satoru's chapter previously considering this part by itself is 26k words in total, so yeah I definitely went overboard.

Much love, Aurora~


Reader's POV:

Don't you just love it when your much needed rest gets abruptly interrupted?

I certainly don't but here I am, being startled awake by a loud knock at my front door as I tried to make sense of what's going on in my groggy half-asleep state. For fuck sake, I'm definitely not a morning person. It's my day off too so I'd rather relax right now than socialize, honestly

Wait, I'm back at my apartment? Satoru must've dropped me off while I was asleep before he left for work this morning, considering I'm still wearing my emerald green lace pajama set from last night. How sweet of him to at least drop me off this time since he usually leaves me to stay at his penthouse like a not so subtle hint to move in with him.

Glancing over at my phone beside my pillow to check the time, my e/c eyes widened in shock as I noticed it's 11am already. Quickly wiping sleep out of my eyes as I slid my phone into my back pocket, I let out a tired yawn as I stretched my half asleep limbs in an attempt to wake myself up. Feeling like I was on some form of tired autopilot mode, I lazily climbed out of bed and grabbed my blush pink bath robe from my closet as I instinctively slid it over my body with a relieved sigh.

Another loud knock pounds against my front door as I exited my bedroom and walked down my hallway towards the front door, trying to remember if anyone was visiting me today since I'd much rather fall asleep than deal with unexpected visitors right now. A tired yawn escaped me as I entered the conjoined kitchen and lounge area of my apartment, swiftly turning right past my kitchen and taking a few more steps towards the front door.

A small smile tugged on my lips as I noticed a fresh bouquet of azure blue roses resting on the white marble kitchen bench out of the corner of my eye, a large white fluffy rabbit plush toy wearing a mini black blindfold sitting next to it as my eyes narrowed in realization of his little reference.

Oh Satoru... ever the romantic yet cheeky little Casanova~

Whatever, I'll look into it later. Man, I really need a coffee right now.

As I'm about to grab the door handle and open the door, I suddenly remembered the light bruises still on my neck and quickly brushed my hair forward to subtly cover them just in case. Don't need some stranger thinking I'm being abused by my lover or something, definitely not the drama I want in my life. Clearing my throat to make sure my voice isn't too groggy before I speak, I raised my right hand and opened the front door as my e/c eyes met very familiar emerald green ones.

Well shit, looks like I didn't need to call him back after all.

"Morning, gorgeous." Toji flirtatiously greeted me with a sly grin tugging on his lips as he stood before me with one hand in his pocket whilst the other held the top of the door frame. My e/c eyes quickly glanced over his outfit as I noticed he was wearing a pair of black sliders, loose black sweatpants and a soft light grey jumper that made his vivid green eyes stand out more.

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