Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.


"Xenia, come on we have to get going soon"

Bright sunlight hit my face as I was pulled into consciousness by my brother's constant nagging.

I groaned and turned around in my soft, fluffy sheets. I wanted to sleep the day away, but I knew I had priorities that morning.

"Xenia, get your ass up or I'm leaving without you." My idiot brother hollered, clearly annoyed.

Jonghyun- my sweet, handsome, dimple cheeked, golden child older brother by three years, was in the kitchen waiting for me to get ready quickly. 

I knew I had an interview for a photography job at 9am sharp, but my bed was a magnet whose forcefield was too strong for me to leave.

After a few more comments from the kitchen, I rolled out of bed, and made a beeline for the bathroom.

Jonghyun and I shared a nice apartment in the middle of Athens, Greece. It was on the fourth floor, and had a nice view of the city. I sludged into my bathroom located right by my bedroom, and got into the shower.

It was almost 8:30, so I hurried and dried off before doing my signature eyeliner, applying some light gloss on my lips, and curling my eyelashes. 

I had my hair in a towel-turban, and was currently in a soft blue bathrobe.

The bathroom door handle jiggled violently, and Jonghyun was yelling at me to hurry up. Funny how he thought this interview was more important than I did.

 I quickly got changed into a light blue minidress with a white tee underneath.

Blue has always been my color. Mostly because it brings my eyes out nicely, but also because it reminds me of the sea.

I quickly grabbed my brown leather bag, and ran out the door to catch up with Jonghyun.

 He was already in the car waiting for me with a pair of oversized shades covering half his face. I opened the door and plopped down onto the soft cushion of the car seat.

"What took you so long?" He pushed the gas pedal, and off we went into the narrow city streets of Athens. 

We cruised along the ocean, and the salty air thrashed my hair about, probably ruining it regardless of how much time i spent doing it this morning.

The sandy beaches stretched as far as the eye could see. The sky had turned a bright blue, with plenty of fluffy, pillow-like clouds spotting the horizon.

The Mercedes Benz roared down the narrow streets, and we blasted the AC to the max.

"Ngl i'm pretty nervous" I admitted

"You should be, that means you care. You need to get this job to pay off your tuition, you know. Cuz you know I ain't payin for it" He ended with a chuckle

I pouted my lips at him and punched him playfully in his surprisingly muscular arm. He pretended to cry as we pulled up to the big sandstone office building.

I took a deep breath, grabbed my bag, and opened the car door.

"Xenia," I turned to Jonghyun who was looking at me like a proud dad, "Seriously, you're gonna do great. Don't stress too much sis."

I shot him a grateful smile, and reached out my hand. We did our signature handshake, and I shut the car door.

As I got closer to the building, it towered over me, and my breath quickened and I automatically walked faster. My heels clicked against the cold marble floor as I stepped inside the cold main lobby.

"Hello ma'am, how may I help you?" the receptionist questioned once she noticed me. She sat comfortably on a fancy spinny chair and sipped a Starbucks iced tea. Her chestnut brown hair curled up into a little bun at the top of her head, which made her hairstyle assemble an acorn.

"Yes, I'm here for a job interview with Mr. Lykaios, scheduled 9 a.m. sharp?"

"Okay i'll give him a call and tell him you're waiting in the lobby."

"Thank you" she gave me a small nod acknowledging my thanks, and I walked to the seating area in the lobby.

After about five minutes, what seemed to be Mr. Lykaios came out and called my name. He had thick black hair that was greased back to perfection. Two strands had strayed away from the rest, and fell across his forehead in an attractive way. He stood at about six feet tall, and his suit was perfectly fitted.

I followed him through thousands of corridors, and finally we stopped outside of a large office towards the back of the building.

He pulled out a black leather chair, and took a seat behind the big polished oak desk in front of me. I sat down, and tapped my fingers against my portfolio nervously.

"Alright, we're just going to get right into it. What's your name?"

"Xenia. Kim Xenia"

"Ok, where are you from? Sorry, but your surname sounds forgein." He smiled and let out a weird chuckle.

"Athens, Greece, sir."

"Oh, are your parents forgein?"

"I'd rather not get this personal, but yes, my father was from Korea." I smiled an awkward smile, and laughed a fake ass laugh that somehow gurgled in my throat.

We both held eye contact for a second too long, and he looked away, clearing his throat.

"I'm sorry if I crossed a boundary Miss Kim. Anyways, what are the reasons you want this job? Have you had any other jobs like this before?"

"Well, I need to pay off my tuition and photography has always been a big hobby of mine. I have never had a job like this before, but I worked at Starbucks as a barista for around two years."

The interview progressed smoothly. He asked to see the portfolio of the pictures i had taken, and i showed him what i thought to be my best work. He seemed impressed, and that was enough for me to be content. After about a half hour he excused me, and I left the big building feeling incredibly relieved.

I decided not to call Jonghyun to pick me up, besides I needed to get out for a while.

I walked all the way home, enjoying the beautiful weather, and taking in the wonderful sights of the city. No matter how long I lived here, the city never ceased to amaze me with its stunning views and architecture.

About halfway to the complex, my phone rang.

It was Mr. Lykaios, i picked up wondering what it could possibly be since it hadn't even been fifteen minutes since i left.

"Hello, this is Xenia."

"Yes, hello Miss Kim. I just wanted to call and let you know that you got the job. I know this is sudden, and i will email you details in a short period. Thank you for choosing to work with us, and feel free to call if you have any questions."

The call ended with a 'beep' and it took a second for me to realize what the hell was going on.

When it did sink in, I slapped a hand over my mouth, and squealed regardless of the people surrounding me. Immediately, I took off, sprinting the rest of the way home.

Little did I know what crazy events this job would lead to.

(Btw my best friend @Xx_Icyhot_xX helped me edit some of this chapter because i needed motivation, and she is a much better writer than myself lol) 

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