School pt2

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As soon as I walked the door I was greeted by the smell of b.o.(idk what high school is like tbh) rodrick by my side and high school had began for the winter season.For first period I had math.Rodrick sat firmly next to me whilst heather hills stared back at us and gave us the same look she always did. It was a mix of resting bitch face and jealousy .I think she knows that me and rodrick ante a thing and is trying to make him want her now. I gave heather a stare she rolled her eyes and faced the front of the class.The teacher walked in and began the lesson.He kept asking stupid questions that were 5th grade level(year 6) example 43x4 they were simple like that but some people still struggled on them somehow?

I walked into school with y/n after we dropped Greg of at school and went to math with her ,heather gave us a stare as usual I think she's jealous that I can actually date someone and she can't . Well and not use them for looks.(although y/n is fucking stunning) The teacher walked in and began asking us questions with literally a minute to answer them. Y/n nailed them I got close to the 50 second mark before I was almost done. I mean who needs to be smart when your as hot as me right...

The rest of the day went quite smoothly. Apart from the occasional stare from heather honestly I don't know why she bothers I thought she hated rodrick after he ruined (made better) her sweets 16th;honestly I think the performance was sick if that was my birthday I'd propose immediately but oh well.
After school rodrick drove me home so I could get changed we were going to the roller rink for a second date.
I threw on a random outfit I didn't really care what it looked like as long as I felt hot it was ok.

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