"Can I speak now?" I ask sarcastically. He clenches his jaw, and grabs my hand dragging me up and behind him. "Hey? What are you doing?"

"Your mine now, I can take you where and when I please." I hmph in anger.

"You can't just do that! I have things to do."

"Not anymore. Unless you want everyone to know about your little journal?" I sigh, and he drags me over to his car.

"That's blackmail. You know, you could be like a kidnapper or a serial killer or something. I wouldn't be surprised. I could be seeing the light of day for the last time right now."

"Better shut up and enjoy it then."

I roll my eyes.

We arrive at some fancy apartment building, which apparently is where he lives. The whole time he has his hand on my thigh again, seeming to think he has some sort of claim on it. Only this time he slides it up, sitting it right where my leg starts. When I try to push it down, he moves it right back up.

When I try again, he turns to me and says, "Keep touching me and I'll tie those cute little hands of yours behind you." My stomach flips. "But I guess you'd like that wouldn't you?" I feel my face flush. I turn away. And I don't try to move his hand again.

Now that we're finally here he retracts his hand, and we go inside. It's a pretty average apartment, but still bigger then I'm used to since my dorm is tiny. I think he works at a bar or something? He must clearly make bank in tips.

He immediately goes to his bedroom, and takes his shirt off. I'm practically drooling at his back before I catch myself.

"Eyes up here." I snap my gaze up. Asshole. He was changing from his school clothes, and throws me a sweater. "Get changed, I don't like people in my bed with their clothes on from outside."

"Well that's fine then since I won't be going anywhere near your bed."

"Have it your way." He walks over to me, and takes my shirt sliding it right off of me.

"Hey!!" He throws it across the room and stares down.


"No!! Are you insane???" I cover my bra with my arms.

"Fine, then maybe instead you want to hear a story, I have one you'll just love." Hope flows through me. I know the story he's talking about, and that means he'll take it out giving me a chance to steal it back. I can finally be free of him.

"You have it here?" I ask hopefully.

"I have my favourite parts memorized." He narrows his eyes and grabs my waist. "And my favourite are quite graphic." He smirks. While I'm desperately distracted trying to think about what I could have possibly wrote, he pulls my pants down, and I fall over, falling on my ass. He pulls them off my legs and throws those too.

"You fucking-"

"Watch your mouth."I roll my eyes. He didn't like that either.

"Well, give me the sweater." I say holding an arm out.

"Too late." He smiles staring down and my bra. I snatch it from him and pull it on. He stared at my chest the whole time, unapologetically. I guess I've already seen his dick. Only fair he gets something too.

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