"Eddie...don't cry, I'm sorry..." (Y/n) grabbed his red scarf from off of the floor, wrapping it back around his neck securely. "I didn't mean...to upset you like this. I just...I can't bear to betray someone. Especially after they've helped us."

Rachel and Zack exchange glances, but don't say a word. With her hand, (Y/n) wipes all of the tears from his freckles face, trying to calm him down. He was still shaking in her arms, as if he were cold, choking up the gushes of teardrops from his throat.

"I agree with the girl," Zack finally interjects. "Lying is fucking shit. And betrayin' is pretty bad too. Yer lucky you had yer girl stop you from doing somethin' stupid." Rachel nudges his arm a bit, giving him a disapproving look. The man then shuts up, glaring at the two teens.

"I-I'm sorry...I didn't...know..." Eddie sniffled, brushing his fingers through his hair nervously. (Y/n) had never seen this habit of his, considering he had his mask on half the time. However, he seemed to mess with his hair a lot, presumably why it was always so messy. "I never...thought that you'd...I'm sorry...please forgive me...I...don't be mad at me...don't leave me..."

(Y/n) shook her head. "Shh, stop that. I'm never gonna leave you. Remember our promise?"

"...To be...mine..."

"And for you to be mine forever, without killing each other. Yep, that's it." (Y/n) kisses his forehead. "Now, come on. Let's get out of here for real this time."

(Y/n) turns to Zack and Rachel, who stare at her aimlessly. She gives them a reassuring grin before speaking. "Rachel, you're pretty good at sewing wounds up. Do you think you could fix Zack's?"

Rachel's eyes light up more than ever before. "Of course I can...!"


(Y/n) giggles at the two, shaking her head. "Well, Eddie and I will wait for you. Then, we can head toward the exit! Mhm! Mhm! Yep! Yeah! Bye!" She grabs Eddie's hand and pulls him into the next room without another word, obviously in a hurry.

. . .

"Do you think they're gonna make out?"

"Zack, I thought you hated that kind of thing."

"I do. But do you?"

"...Just let me fix you up..."

(Y/n) yanks Eddie into the living room, where Mrs. and Mr. Gardner's bodies were, shutting the door behind them. Confused, Eddie tilts his head and watches (Y/n)'s every movement to get clues on what she was doing. She rushed over toward the TV stand, grabbing the house phone before checking if it was plugged in. "I think we could call the ambulance from here, Eddie! Then, we can get help once we get out of here!"

Eddie's face grew terrified. "Wh-What? An ambulance?" He rushed over to the phone and yanked it out of her hand, putting it back down. "Are you crazy?! If they take us to the hospital, we'll be separated! A-And identified! And-!"

"Hey." (Y/n) calmly puts her hand on his shoulder to ease his nervousness, relaxing his muscles. "Listen. My sibling and father's murder case was declared as self defense back in April. They don't know that you've killed anyone. You can just tell them that Gray kidnapped you - which he technically did."

Eddie stared at her like an alien. "So, you're saying...you want us to go back...home?" That word choked him up as quickly as it came out. He shook his head at the thought of seeing his brother's dead eyes again.

"...Mhm." (Y/n) hesitantly answered. "I'll probably be put in a foster home...and you'll go back home."

"N-No! We'll be separated!"

Eternal Sleep  (Eddie x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now