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"Wanna explain what you're doing here y/n?"

Oh shit

"Um, I was just walking and then I heard a loud crash and came to check it out." You weren't really lying, you just left out the part why you ran.

"Then explain why you ran" Gojo said.

"I don't know...I just kinda got scared a bit.." you said, hoping that it would be enough for him. You couldn't really tell him your actual reason and just straight up say  'I met with the curse and he offered a spot to join them'.

"You knew it was me, and you know you would be safe with me. As your teacher, you, my student, comes first."

"I guess I forgot about that" you said, laughing it off. Before he could say anything, you quickly spoke.

"Isn't Itadori supposed to be dead?"

"Yea he is." He replied but didn't say anything after.

"And....?" You urged him to continue.

"Well as you can see he is still alive."

He was getting on your nerves right now.

"Yea no shit Sherlock." you said rolling your eyes.

"First off, language. Second off all, how did you know he was alive before this. When you first found out that he was dead, you were gonna say that you're positive that he was alive, right?" Gojo said while motioning for you to follow him down to where Itadori was.

"I don't really know, I just knew. It might have something to do with the bond between Sukuna. Since we both ate a finger."

"True." He agreed.

"Why didn't you tell us he was alive?" You questioned him.

"We didn't know until the body examination." You gave a nod back. Once you guys arrived where Itadori was still standing, you caught Jojo being taken in the corner of your eye. You tapped Gojo on his arm and pointed to where he was.

"Oh no." Gojo said and was about to launch another attack at them but Jogo and the other curse left already.

You turned to Itadori and you stared at each other for a while and then Itadori came running at you and hugged you. You wrapped your arms around him, lifted him up, and flipped him on his back.

"How dare you! We thought you were dead!" You started to scold him.

"Well I-"

"No! Nobara was down and didn't talk to anyone for a while and Fushiguro only got up to train and eat!"


"Never ever do that again!"

Tears began to well up in your eyes. You knelt down and gave him an actual hug.

"I missed you. You're my best friend and all of a sudden you just left."

"I'm sorry, I missed you too. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. I'm sorry." He kept apologizing to you and you helped him up.

"So now what? I guess since you didn't tell any of us that Itadori was alive it means you were doing something with him." You said to Gojo.

"Correct. I was training him how to use his cursed energy. But now you know about it so there is only two option. Either you can keep quiet about this and not tell anyone, or you can join in with Itadori but still not tell anyone."

"I'll go with the second option." You smiled at him. He nods and you guys start to walk back to the dorms to drop you off. Once you guys get there you say goodbye to Itadori and start to head in.

"Be at the common room at 10am tomorrow." Gojo called after you and you gave him a thumbs up. You went into your room, put your alarm, and went to sleep.

Your alarm went off and you got out of bed. You did your morning routine and went into the kitchen to eat something before heading out with Gojo. Fushiguro was out training with the upperclassmen again while Nobara was on the couch on her phone.

"Aren't you going to go out training with Fushiguro?" You asked her.

"Nope, I'm gonna do it later after he is done." You nodded and went to get your stuff from the counter.

"I'm headed out. See you later." You said to her.

"Ok, bye."

You met with Gojo and he led you to the training place. At least you thought it was a actual training place. Once you got there, you just saw a couch an a TV. Itadori was sitting on the couch.

"Ok, now that you both are here, let's get started. Y/n, you will have a bit more catching up to do." Gojo said and got out two bottles of soda.

"Itadori, go into the other room and practice what we did yesterday with the bottles."

Itadori nodded and went upstairs. Gojo turned to you and placed the bottles on a drawer.

"You are going to learn how to control your cursed energy. You see those cans over there?" You look over to the cans and one of them exploded and the juice spills all over. The other can twists and the juice comes from the drinking hole.

"The one that exploded is with cursed energy. The other can is with cursed technique."


This part isn't finished I just posted what I had

Do u guys still want me to continue this story?

Not edited

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