"No no no babe, I didn't mean it that way. Even though you really have been busy with work and couldn't spend even ten minutes with me. It's not like I feel unloved, but just that… it's sad. Whenever we make plans, they generally get cancelled. It… hurts me."

His saddened expression broke your heart. Oh how bad you wanted to pull him closer to your chest and stroke his head, saying that you loved him a lot and didn't ever want him to leave. But then, you were unsure. Unsure of whether he will like that move of yours. Sighing, you decided to tell him your point of view. 

"I am really sorry. But, are you willing to listen to my part of the story? My point of view?" He nodded, looking at you with expectant eyes.       

"First of all… I want to sincerely apologise. Because of me, you have to feel such things. You get hurt, because of me. But you know? I was not like this in my childhood. I too had a bubbly, a clingy side in me, which liked to stay close to my m-mum, dad. But, they didn't require that self in me. I was seen as a mistake. They therefore forced me into thinking that I am not needed. Because of that, I always had to stay aware of fake people. That made me like this, emotionless, heartless. The bubbly girl in me never really got a chance to show up, so it got buried… deep down in me. Maybe it will never come out, or will take some more time to come out." You took a deep breath and continued.

"But remember this Jungkook. You were the first, and maybe the last person who ever could do anything to this heartless person. You gave me tingles in my heart, butterflies in my stomach. I never felt so euphoric with anyone but you. You are my life.  I may not say 'I love you' to you frequently. But the few times I say it, I mean it. I mean it with everything I have. I c-can't afford to lose you. You actually are the only thing I have after Max. But still, if you really feel unloved because of me, then you can go. You can find someone who will cherish you the way you deserve. Who will express their feelings. Who will… take the first step in your relationship and not wait for you to do everything. It will hurt me of course, but I will manage. Your smile is what is the most precious thing for me. So if you tend to smile more with someone else, who will take proper care of you, you are free to go. I w-won't stop you. I will just consider that… I failed as a girlfriend."              

By now, tears were already flowing down your eyes but you didn't care. You finally told him your feelings. You set him free. You won't hold him back anymore. If he feels that he doesn't want you, he can go. 

Jungkook on the other hand was a crying mess. He felt your pain. Never did he intend on making you feel failed as a girlfriend. He loved you, he would never leave you. He couldn't stand the distance between your bodies anymore and quickly got on top of you. Taking your face in his hands, he made you aware of his presence on top of you. You looked at him with swollen eyes and a red nose. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and cried. Cried like never before. 

"B-Baby, never say such things. I won't ever leave you. You are my everything as well. I love you too much to leave you. Don't ever say such things like you failed as a girlfriend. It's not you. It's me. I couldn't understand you. And it's alright if you don't take the first step in our relationship. I love you the way you are. You don't need to change." He could feel your hands going around his waist, and stroking his back gently. 

"Ok. I understand you won't. Now stop crying. I can't stand you crying. It b-breaks my heart." He nodded before pulling you closer to him intaking your scent. He missed this. He missed you close to him. Your hands played with his hair as he snuggled up into your chest when you suddenly whined.     

"Jungkook-ah it hurts. Get down me you muscle pig!" You exclaimed, making him chuckle. He got down off you and took your figure in his arms. Kissing the crown of your head, he sighed. 

"I missed you." 

"I missed you too. I am sorry that I couldn't spend time with you. I got a promotion today. That's why I was this busy the past month. But now, I am finally the head of my department. I get a week's rest." You said, making him surprised.

"You didn't tell me? Why? You could have told me!" He whined. "I wanted it to be a surprise for you…" you said, a bit unsure of his reaction. He smiled. "Oh really? It was the best surprise baby!" He exclaimed.

"I-I planned a v-vacation for us. Is it… ok for you?" You asked. "Of course! No problem at all! Baby you are the best! I love you!" You smiled at that. "I love you too." You said lightly. "Did you like the food I made?" You asked expecting a positive answer. 

"That… oh well it ok? I didn't like it much though." He said acting like he actually didn't like it by making gagging faces. "Yah! It was good! I know it. I tasted!" You exclaimed. "I know I know baby. It was delicious. I was just teasing!" He said.

"I love you." His eyes widened. This was the first time you said it first. 

"I love you too my little baby bun!"

— Author's note —
Hope you all like this one! If you do, don't forget to vote this and add this story in your library! ♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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