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After Lila showed up and told everyone her lies, Marinette was alone after her friends pushed her away. Now she sits at the back of the class with her now BFFs Chloe and Sabrina. They were also persons who didn't believe her lies. It was only the two of them along with Luka and Kagami but they didn't go to school there so they were on their own. Today the class was having a new student, and Adrien looked happy. Who could it be?

Bustier: Good morning class please take your seats. Today, we have a new student joining us. Please, come in.

Everyone's jaw dropped as they saw the Adrien lookalike who deleted the video of them for Adrien a while back. They all glared at him and whispered amongst themselves.

Bustier: Please, introduce yourself.

Felix: *sigh* I'm Felix Graham de Vanily.

Bustier: Adrien, you'll be showing him around today. Go take your seat next to Marinette in the back.

He sat next to Marinette and she glared at him. The class began and there was silence. Recess came and Marinette, Chloe and Sabrina left after everyone else. Adrien showed him around school with his 'girlfriend' Lila wrapped around his arm. School was officially over and everyone packed their things to leave. Felix got up after Marinette left and regrouped with Adrien outside the school to go back to the mansion.

He remembered and everyone from the video and now she looked and behaved totally different. The two got in the car and drove off. Felix decided to get to the bottom of this.

Felix: Hey Adrien. The girl I sat next to during class. Who was that?

Adrien: Oh, That's Marinette. She's just a friend.

Felix: Yeah..let's keep that way.

Adrien: What?

Felix: Oh nothing, anyways. Why does everyone hate her so much?

Adrien: Because she's supposedly a bully. Lila..-

Felix: Your so-called 'publicity stunt and fake girlfriend'.

Adrien: Yeah..she turned the entire class against Marinette but we both know that she's just a liar. But nothing bad will happen if we just ignore her. You'll see.

What I see is that you're falling for uncle's lies and manipulation cous. They arrived back at the mansion to meet Nathalie. She escorted them to their rooms, instructing them to complete their homework by the next hour. They both have a paired photoshoot together. There was silence again.

The next day came around and Lila couldn't let Adrien go. They arrived to class to see that they were the second group of people to arrive. Chloe, Marinette and Sabrina were sitting next to each other talking. They couldn't care less to even look at them. Felix dropped his bags on his desk and walked over to them.

Felix: Hey, Marinette right? I wanted to ask something of you in private.

Marinette: You could just say it now.

Lila: Felix, what's the point in talking to this bully?

Felix: Her..or you?

Chloe: Mari, maybe you should hear him out.

Felix: It's still early and it'll only take a few minutes.

Miraculous One Shots Fanfic: My StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя