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Another akuma attack on Paris and Ladybug is yet to arrive. Chat held off the villain but needed to recharge his battery. He hid in the subway as he fed his kwami. "Plagg, do you know where Ladybug is?" he questioned him. He shook his head as he gulped down his Camembert cheese. He transformed again and tried contacting the spotted hero. No answer. That's when his baton dinged with a voice message from Ladybug.

'Hey kitty, sorry about not showing up, my kwami's ill and I needed to take care of her. In the mean time, I'm sending Multimouse over to you. She was the only one who wasn't affected by the akuma. She's on her way.' He smiled, 'Marinette..'  he thought. He turned to see a familiar hero jumping across the city towards him. She landed in front of him, waving shyly. He jokingly teased as he cornered her against the wall.

"It's good to see you again, Marinette. Or should I say, Multimouse. And now for some reason I'm a bit hungry." She blushed then pushed him out of the way to avoid the Akuma's attack. They got up and ran away while dodging the attacks thrown at them. They entered the sewers as that was their last option. They searched and found a safe place for the moment.

Multimouse: We need a plan to defeat the villain.

Chat: Do you have any ideas then, because I'm drawing a blank?

Multimouse: I noticed a pendant around her neck. Maybe that's where the akuma was hiding. Getting it would be the harder part.

Chat: I really wish ladybug was here.

Multimouse: Well, she isn't and until her kwami is healed, she's out of the picture.

Chat: *sigh* Well, we have to stall her long enough for that to happen. How about we play a game of cat and mouse? *grins*

Multimouse: *smirks* Are you referring to me, or the villain?

Chat chuckled as they returned to the surface and caught the villain's attention. Master Fu told me to return in about 15 minutes. I've got 10 more to go. The villain chased them around the city but couldn't catch them. They stopped to catch their breaths as Marinette finally decided to use her powers to somehow removed the akumatized object from her neck. They all surrounded her then Chat tackled her to the ground as he pinned her to the ground.

The mini Multimice were about to snatch away the necklace but they were all pushed back. There was a huge outburst of energy and when Chat regained consciousness, he saw Marinette unresponsive on the ground next to him. He picked her up and took her away. The villain screamed in frustration. They hid on another rooftop as Chat tried to wake her up. She was on 3 minutes left until she was due to transform back.

She finally awoke and saw Chat over her. He hugged her, squeezing her half to death. She vigorously patted his back for him to stop as he immediately pulled away.

Chat: I'm so sorry, Multimouse.

Multimouse: It's alright.

The icon on her necklace began to blink. 2 minutes left. And 5 minutes to spare until she could get Tikki back and become Ladybug once again. They looked around to see if it was safe to detransform. She was on her final icon and with a flash she was Marinette again. She pulled out a macaroon from her satchel and gave it to the kwami. Chat kept a look out for when the villain would return.

Mullo finished eating and so Marinette was good to transform again. Mullo, Get Squeaky! She joined Chat at the edge of the roof as they saw buildings being demolished on the other side of Paris near the Eiffel Tower. They nodded in sync then took off. And for her it was about time to return to Master Fu to retrieve Tikki. As they were in the middle of the battle against the villain again, Multimouse slipped away leaving Chat by his lonesome.

She hurried back to Master Fu and detransformed before entering. She entered and Tikki flew right into her face, hugging her cheek. Marinette smiled as she returned Mullo to the Guardian. She left thanking the old, wise man before transforming into her red and black spotted costume, Tikki, Spots On! She found Chat captured by the villain and swung right over to save him. Her yo-yo wrapped around the villain and pulled her away from her partner.

She hung her from the Eiffel Tower and called on her partner. "You know what to do kitty!" "Cataclysm!" He grabbed the necklace and it turned to ash, a pretty, black butterfly leaving. Ladybug released the girl and did was she does best. "Time to de-evilize!..Bye bye little butterfly..Miraculous Ladybug!" "Pound it!" Everything went back to normal but Chat wondered about Multimouse.

Ladybug: Don't worry, kitty, Marinette's fine.

Chat: Oh m'lady, you should've seen her she was amazing!

Ladybug: She told me you were amazing too, kitty. And I bet she was.

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