Chapter 4: The Travels Begin!

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Author POV:

As you can see I've let Akeldama go, anyway now that he is Knowledge Incarnate he will be going to the entrance exams and is going to break a few records. Fun right? Anyway somebody is going to die one way or another, not gonna tell ya when, not gonna tell ya who, not gonna tell ya why.


Akeldama POV:

After seeing what the Author had in store for me, I decided to wait until the day of the entrance exams.


Today is the day of the entrance exams, after completing the written exams which were easy as hell and waiting for the actual entrance exam, I ended up in the same area as Kirishima. Fun right?
Anyway, I go to the line and after a few minutes of waiting I go, confusing everybody around me. Present Mic tells the children to follow me. I've already got 27 points by the time they followed me, I decide to show off a bit, I use the [Book of Absolute] skill and a book and pen appear in front of me, using the pen I write down

Akeldama has infinite points

That's all I wrote and that all that it is, knowledge is truth after all. After everything is said and done I look into the Origin of Knowledge and gain a skill that I lost, but better.

[Time Stop [LV. Infinite]

You already know what this does

Duration: Infinite


As well as a skill that will be VERY useful.

[Omniverse Gate [LV. MAX]

You already know


I stop time and travel to a universe that is very important for Crusaders, even though I am an [Origin Wielder] I am still a Crusader. I appear in front of an explosion, I already knew that this would happen so I created a [Mana Barrier] to protect myself from the explosion.

Roman: Huh? Where did Blue come from?

Roman takes control of the bullhead while [Redacted] throws a fireball at me, I equip my [Crusader Armor] and pull out my sword, more information going into my brain.

[Sword Mastery [LV. MAX]

You know


The fireball hits me and launches me back

[-50 HP]

I fall off of the roof, but use Mana to fly up, I'm not getting any skills due to the fact that they are being absorbed by [True Mana Manipulation]. I fly towards the bullhead with my sword in hand and use mana to reinforce it before attacking the engines of the bullhead, severely damaging it. The bullhead eventually gets away though, I then turn around to face Goodwitch, who was there the entire time.

Goodwitch: You two are coming with me!


I zone out as Goodwitch is speaking, and Ozpin comes into the room.

Ozpin: Ruby Rose, and...who might you be?

Akeldama: An Origin Wielder.

Ozpin's eyes widen in realization, although only slightly

Ozpin: Which one?

Akeldama: Knowledge.

Ozpin: I see...

Akeldama: Well then, I'm getting bored, so I'm going to leave.

Goodwitch: Wait-

Ozpin: Let him leave, Glynda. We can't do anything about it anyway. He has chosen the person we just saw.

I teleport away, to my domain, where The Author is reading a book

Author: So, how are you?

Akeldama: Why are you here?

Author: To cure my boredom. You haven't answered my question.

Akeldama: *sigh* I'm doing good, anyway, what time is it out there?

Author: It's 11:39 and I got school tomorrow

Akeldama: Shouldn't you cut this chapter short then?

Author: That's a good idea. See ya readers!

Akeldama: Go read a better story.

Author: Hey fuck you!

Akeldama: Shut it you little-

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