Chapter 2: Confusion

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Author POV:

Hello readers! Or... Should I say God? That's who you are anyway so it wouldn't matter......Eh whatever, anyway welcome to Chapter 2 of Deus Vult! After reviving Akeldama he is confused as a lost puppy and about as weak as one too! Anyway enjoy the chapter

J: Christ are you still writing? Get your ass over here! I still gotta beat your ass!

Oh shit, That's it for the author note!

Akeldama POV:

I wake up after the...interesting encounter with "Author" and look around, there isn't anybody around... did the story go back to normal? I hope so. There's a giant explosion and I run towards it hoping that it was Bakugou. I realize that I'm not automatically moving so I check my skills and I lost my automatic skill! All of a sudden I got a screen in front of me

[Sorry for taking away the Automatic skill but it was making more trouble than it's worth, I've given you your wish back though!]

Goddamnit! This god forsaken "Author" is-wait...what was I just saying again? Meh, must have not been important. Anyway I got another wish for the month? Great! I immediately wish for another skill, what was my last one? Huh...whatever, I wish for another ability


Time Stop [LV 1 XP 00.00%]
Rank: Legendary

The ability to stop time, a very powerful ability. Wasted by DIO.

Duration: 4 seconds

Cooldown: 2 seconds


I am so glad that worked... I run towards the slime and jump at it, stopping time and pulling Bakugou out of it. Time resumes afterward

???: Kacchan!

Bakugou: Stay the hell away from me Deku!

The slime goes towards me, but I stop time and leave. The story should fix itself afterwards.


I'm walking around and see a boy, around 16, with his quirk on and hitting himself with objects. It's Kirishima

Akeldama: Yo! What are you doing kid?

Kirishima: I'm training for U.A! And don't call me kid, you look younger than me!

Oh, right, I made my body 12... fuck...

Akeldama: Mind if I help?

Kirishima: I mean sure? You want to go to a hero school one day too?

Akeldama: Sure! So what do I need to do.

Kirishima: Just hit me with your quirk activated and that should help.

Akeldama: isn't that illegal?

Kirishima: Nobody ever comes around here. I'm surprised you even knew about this place.

I look around and I'm in a junkyard...huh...I should pay more attention to where I'm going.

Akeldama: I'm afraid I can't use my quirk. I can stop time and I don't think you can move...

Kirishima: Oh... well then hit me without your quirk! I can take it.

Akeldama: alright then...

I run towards Kirishima and hit him

[Kirishima's DEF has raised by 1]


[DEF is a stat raised by skills, it adds a DEF bar that is 10x your DEF stat.]

Damn, I want that quirk...

[Request granted!]

[Quest: Help Kirishima train!

Kirishima wants to get into U.A! Help him do so.

Rewards: Increased Relationship with Kirishima, Quirk Skill: Hardening, Hero Path Start!

Failure: Decreased Relationship with Kirishima, Quirk Skill: Strength, Villain Path Start!

Duration 10 months


Alright then...I guess... well then, I guess I'll start helping then!

Akeldama: alright I will start now!

Kirishima: Alright then! Come at me!

*timeskip 1 month*


Name: Akeldama Leonidas
Rank: E

Hp: 500/500
Mp: 6000/6000

STR: 15
VIT: 50

I have been sparring with Kirishima for 15 days now and I say I've been doing decently good, so far no villains have attacked me and I can't go into dungeons but whatever.

Kirishima: Think fast!

I dodge a hit from Kirishima and kick him in the head, he activated his quirk so it doesn't do anything but it's a good try. I have that wish don't I? My [Time Stop] has leveled up by 3 and my duration is now 17 seconds.

[Kirishima's DEF stat increased by 10!]

I get hit by Kirishima

[-30 HP]

I stop time and hit Kirishima in the stomach, resume time, and immediately get hit again

[-15 HP]

Huh, it seems he got used to my pattern and ended up slightly hardening his entire body at once, pre-unbreakable? Probably.

Akeldama: this seems to be going nowhere, I surrender.

Kirishima: Awwww, but it was getting fun!

Akeldama: I'm still gonna be here tomorrow, like always.

Kirishima: Alright, see ya kid!

I walk away and wish for my skill

[ Soul Eater [LV MAX]
Rank: Godly

Allows the user to take stats/skills from killed enemies, this includes quirks, sacred gears, etc. as well as it works on beings such as Gods.


I walk into a random alleyway and what do ya know? Some guy puts a gun to my head

???: put your hands up and you won't get shot.

Akeldama: Nah...I ain't feelin it right now.

I turn around and take the gun away, pointing it at the guy. His eyes are bright green and he seems to be a bit scared.

Akeldama: leave, now

The guy runs away but after taking a few steps away from me I shoot him, killing him instantly.

Akeldama: Sorry but I just got a new skill and I gotta check it out. Besides, you wouldn't have hesitated to shoot me so I decided to return the favor.

I got a quirk from that

[ Quirk Skill: Night Vision [LV 1]
Rank: Uncommon

This quirk allows the user to see in the dark.

Duration: Passive


Well seems this will be better than I thought. I walk away but a flier catches my attention

[Wanted Dead or Alive

Tanaka Shaw

$5000 (let's just say that money is automatically translated to dollars shall we?)

Rank: F


This should be interesting...

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