Chapter 3: Bounty

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Author POV:

Hello everybody! Welcome to chapter 3 of Deus Vult! I forgot to mention this but Tanaka's quirk, which is Myth Transformation. It allows Tanaka to turns parts of his body into that of beings from myth. (As in his arms, legs, head, etc. can turn into that of the Nemean Lion, the hydra, etc.) and I have decided for Akeldama to be OP.


Akeldama POV:

Fuck Fuck Fuck! I'm being chased by Tanaka after trying to fight him, it didn't go so well, it turns out that the nemean lion's hide is actually unbreakable... fuck. I equipped my crusader armor but I still can't fight him. I even used my... goddamnit. I stop time and knock Tanaka out. 9 heads doesn't work if they are on your arm dumbass. I, while still in crusader armor, walk to the nearest police station and drop him off.

Police: You do realize that using your quirk without a license is illegal right?

Akeldama: I didn't use my quirk, I caught him off guard and knocked him out.

Police:... ok you get the money.

Akeldama: nice.

I leave the police station and go into an alleyway and unequip my crusader armor in the process.

Akeldama: Jeez, that was stressful.

???: as it normally is for you villains.

I turn around to see All Might

AM: How are you alive.

Akeldama: it simply wasn't my time to die.

AM: I didn't see you as the religious type villain

Akeldama: Don't you have a time limit gramps?

All Might dashes at me.

??? POV:

I walk up to my base, an abandoned factory, and enter. My phone rings and I answer it

Me: I've been waiting.

???: Good, now, have you seen him yet?

Me: No, I've been training, trying to get as strong as him but Author refuses to give me the [Wishing Ring]

???: I'll try to convince him to give it to you, in the meantime try to find him.

Me: Understood.

???: Now, I will give you a name... how about Samael Diabolos

Samael: that name is cringe.

???: I agree, but the actual author and not the embodiment of him has decided.

Samael: Fine.

???: Now, get to work.

Akeldama POV:

After dying by All Might and having another chat with the author I decided to join U.A and gain a few quirks. I go into an alley and sleep for the night.

*timeskip 9 months*

Name: Akeldama Leonidas
Tier: F
HP: 5000/5000
MP: 20000/20000

STR: 42
DEX: 73
VIT: 50
INT: 200
WIS: 147
LUK: ???


Jesus Christ I am powerful! 84 DMG per hit and with a skill I got I am able to hit hundreds of times per second.

[ Repeat [LV. 10 XP. 80.76%]
Rank: Rare

Allows the user to repeat an action multiple times through an afterimage

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