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Kaelyn's POV

During the week and a half between Luke and Ashton's birthdays, the boys practiced a lot. Shelby and I would help them- giving them advice and what not.

We were all going over to Luke's house for dinner later on. Shelby, the boys (minus Luke), and I had spent a lot of time picking out Luke's present, and we all helped pay for it.

Deciding that Luke should be up, I sent him a quick text.

Kaelyn: Happy Birthday Luke!! :D

Luke: Thanks Kaelyn!! :D

Kaelyn: You're welcome, see you at school!! Remember- we are meeting at that tree before we go to our lockers.

Luke: I know, see you there!! :-)

I finished getting ready and grabbed what I needed before going out into the kitchen.

"Do you have everything that you need?" My mum asked me.

"Yeah, I think so. Are you sure that you are okay with us doing this?" I asked her.

"Yes, I am for the thousandth time. Have fun, I love you." She said, hugging me.

"Okay. Love you too. See ya at dinner." I replied, hugging her back and then going outside.

Kaelyn: Are you ready?

Shelby: Yeah, coming outside right now.

Kaelyn: Okay.

Sure enough, she came out a minute later.

"Got everything?" We asked each other at the same time, causing us to both laugh. "Yes."

We started to walk to school when we heard a car horn next to us.

"Hi Joy!" "Hi girls, want a ride?" "If that is okay with you." "Of course it is, hop in."

We got in the back of her car, thanking her. "Hey Cal!" "Hey Kaelyn and Shelby! Ready to do this?" "Yeah!" "Me too. Hopefully he will like it."

"He will, girls- and guy. See you at dinner!" Joy said, pulling up to our school.

We thanked her one more time before going to the tree where Michael was.

"Hey guys." He said, waving as we walked over.

"Hey Michael." We set our bags down and got everything out.

"Is Ashton going to be here soon?" Michael asked. "I think so. I'll text him." I said.

Kaelyn: Hey, are you going to be here soon?

Ashton: Yeah, I'll be there in 5 minutes :)

Kaelyn: Okay, we are waiting for you to start :)

"He will be here in 5 minutes." "Okay."

We sat down and waited for Ashton to come- even though he doesn't go to our school, he can still be on the school's property. Once he arrived, looking kinda tired- like the rest of us, since it is only 7:00 and we all got up at least a half an hour earlier- we began setting up.

Shelby, Michael, and Calum went to set up their stuff while Ashton stayed back to help me a bit.

I put the poster board with an arrow pointing towards the top of the tree against the trunk and grabbed the note card.

"Here. I'll give you a boost." Ashton said, locking his fingers together and bending down.

"Thanks Ash." I stepped on his hands carefully and placed my one hand on his shoulder. He stood up a little, just enough to where I could reach a branch and pull myself up. I climbed up until Ashton said that he couldn't see me easily.

"Thanks again Ash." "You're welcome. Now I have to go set up mine." He left, waving.

Kaelyn: Are you almost here, birthday boy?

Luke: *Groans* Yes I will be there in 5.

Kaelyn: Okay, remember- the tree.

Luke: I know- meet you guys at the tree. I'll be right there.

I turned my phone onto silent so he wouldn't find out where I was by calling or texting me.

Luke's POV

"Bye mum! See you at dinner!" "Bye Luke! Happy birthday!" I thanked her before walking over to the tree where I was supposed to meet the others, except they weren't there.

"Kaelyn? Mikey? Cal? Shelby?" I called out. I looked over and saw that there was a sign with an arrow pointed towards the top. I looked up, but I couldn't see anything- or anyone.

I walked a little closer before laughing. "I like your hiding spot." "Thanks. Can you help me get down?" "Of course."

She started climbing down and I reached my hands out and helped her when she got to the lowest branch.

"Thank you. This is for you." She said, handing me a note card.

Your favorite place to get coffee.

"Starbucks?" I asked Kaelyn. She shrugged, but smiled and took my hand.

"You'll have to find out." She said. I sighed, but started to walk.

"Wait- what about school?" "All of our parents said that we can skip for the day, Luke." "Oh, okay. Let's go!"

With that, we started running to Starbucks.

"Calum?" I asked as we walked in.

"Hey Luke, happy birthday! I got you your favorite drink." He said, handing me a cup. "Thank you Calum." I said, taking a sip.

"Wait- what's this?" I asked, taking the note card off of the side of the cup.

Your favorite ice cream place.

I grinned and left, with Calum and Kaelyn following me. We soon made it to the ice cream place down the street, where Shelby was waiting for me.

She handed me a bowl of cookies and cream, with another note card on the side, and wished me happy birthday. I thanked her, taking a bite and taking the note card off after setting my cup and bowl down.

Your favorite store to shop at.

"Hot Topic, here we come!" I exclaimed, causing us all to laugh.

At Hot Topic, Michael was there with a Nirvana shirt for me, with a note card taped on, and he wished me happy birthday. I took the note card off and read it.

Where you got your first guitar- and where you helped Kaelyn get a guitar.

By the time that we made it to the music store, it was 9:00 already. Ashton was there with a pack of picks- with a note card attached- and he wished me a happy birthday as well. I thanked him before taking the note card off.

Where you live- well sleep.

"Why my house- wait. My room?" I asked. "Just go with it." Ashton said.

Shrugging, I walked out of the store after John had wished me a happy birthday, and just like everyone else, I thanked him.

We got to my house a while later, calling a couple of cabs so we didn't have to walk miles and miles. I led everyone up to my room and I slowly opened my door, not knowing what would be behind it.

"Oh my god."


A/N: I'm currently waiting for my living environment teacher for review :/

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