Ep 1

283 10 9


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- Happy Moment To Memories -


We Didn't Realize We Were Making Memories

We Just Knew We Were Having Fun



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Third Person Pov:

Screams and electricity crackling on high volt was the only thing heard in the room, Chemicals are being injected into his body as he turns purple-red.

The Tenma was in full agony, his head, his hand, He wanted to move and run away from them, but his current position is stopping him, His lacked of strength to break the cuffs in his hand and leg.

Needles poked through his bruised body, Injecting painful chemicals through his veins and bloodstream before pulling it out to put another chemical, Tenma couldn't help but scream and sob in pain.

Some scientists surround him, Not caring to the poor boy's screams, They were too afraid that the surgery would go downhill, An unknown man would kill them.

Tenma's head feels like falling apart, He knew that the chemicals they injected into him were for him to forget his memories with Raimon, Inazuma eleven japan, And the new Raimon team members.

The scientist didn't even care about that, they only care to get the procedure done, Bloodstains then start to spread around Tenma's bruised body, As another scream came.

They were deleting his precious memory, Tenma thought If he wasn't saved by a soccer ball he would never have been in Raimon.

So the helpless boy holds his memories with the Raimon team, He didn't let them go, more like he could not just let them go.

Until We Meet Again... INAZUMA ELEVEN GO/CHRONO STONE/GALAXYHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin