Chilling With The Bois

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Y/n's POV:

It was now Saturday.  I had suffered through yet another week of school without doing anything stupid such as talking.  I'd say it was a decent week.  I decided I wanted to sleep in a bit longer so I fell back asleep.

I woke up again and checked my phone.  I had the usual notifications from Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, all that stuff, and a message from Tommy from 10 minutes ago.

Child :)

sup.  join vc 2 when you get up bitch


this is a nice thing to wake up to i guess

I went to the bathroom and grabbed a snack before turning on my pc and joining vc.  I was immediately met with a yelling Tommy, a yelling Tubbo, and a Ranboo trying to calm them both down.

"I DID NOT SAY THAT!!" Tommy yelled.

"ShUt uP ChiLD!" I said in a very weird voice.  "tHe GReaT LizARd iS hERe!"


"Oh really?  Not surprised honestly.  I am very hot," I said while blushing a lot.

"We haven't seen your face dude," Ranboo said, ruining the mood.

"Shut up.  ANYWAYS!  TOMMY DO YOU WANT TO SEE MY FACE?!?!?!" I asked.

I had pulled up his stream to see his reaction.  I quickly took a picture of myself as he responded.

"Umm. . . s-sure?" Tommy responded with an uncertain voice.

"Good!  I sent a picture of me right now.  You can only see half of my face though so TOO BAD FOR YOU!" I laughed.

He must have opened it up because he went quiet.  I looked over at his stream and saw that he was bright red and looking at his phone.

"Hellooooo?  Tomathy?  You there or did you get overpowered by how hot I am?" I said.

"Y-you look g-good Lizard," he stuttered.

"Not as good as you though," I said.

I saw him go bright red on stream again.

"NO CHAT!  I AM NOT GOING RED!" he yelled.

"You are," Tubbo and Ranboo said in sync.

"Wait, when do I get to see your face?" Tubbo asked.

"What about me?" Ranboo added.

"I don't know.  Sometime," I answered.

"COME ONNNNNNNNN!" Tubbo screamed.

All Ranboo said was, "Ugh."

"Anyways Tommy, you are definitely red.  Very red," I stated.

"AND THAT WILL BE THE STREAM BOYS!" he yelled as he ended his stream.

Everyone except for him started laughing.

I thought, Oh Tommy, you are so adorable, and continued to talk to them before leaving at 11 pm to get some sleep.  Or at least try.  I thought about how great that day was as I started to fall asleep.

A/n:  Hello!  I might start to space out the updates and start only updating once every week.  If you yell at me for it, I simply do not care :).  Anyways, have a great day!

(487 words)

Lost Boy - Tommyinnit x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now