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*knock knock*

I looked up from my phone and gazed at the door. I looked at Manchi who was sitting next to me on my bed.

"Well, Aren't you going to open the door? It is your room isn't it?"

I pouted at her, but she didn't see me because her eyes were on her phone. Huffing as I swung my legs over the side of the bed and hopped down. I shivered at the cold hardwood floor against my bare feet. I opened the door and saw Feitan. 

The corners of my lips spread across my face as I gave him a warm smile. I love Feitan. Well, I said that I loved him, but I have not told him this yet. It is not like I have never had the courage, I just haven't found the right time. 

I had thought of how I wanted to tell him,'Wow, the weather is perfect for some fishing, let's go Feitan!'

'Feitan this fish tastes delicious.'

'Fei I like you can we become soulbinded?'

I shook the very thought of the last one away. I did not want that, but I had a feeling that that was coming. And until then I wanted to be with him. I wanted to spend my time with him, but I wanted to spend more time with him beyond that. I don't know if I can become his soulbinder though. I do not want to be his soulbinder. Feitan looked at me and at Manchi. Manchi smiled and shook her head. 

"Feitan." Manchi gave a thumbs up, but Feitan looked disappointed.

 I frowned at Manchi and she giggled at me, but I ignored her."Enough, shall we go? I have to go scare some crabs to get them to sell me the crabs."

"Ok but don't you have to go wherever it it?"

"Yes, but why are you talking to the fish? Go away." Manchi giggled to this and slapped her hand against my arm. I nodded and left my room. I walked down the hallway,

'Hello fishy,' I whispered and smiled at the feisty older clock fish. He did not respond but just glared at me.

I frowned and returned to my room,'I thought this is a secret girl', I say to myself, 'I could tell him tomorrow.'

'Well, you like him I don't take it too badly.' I comforted myself, " I'm so nervous, I wish he would get here sooner.'

 I shook the thought away and walked down the hallway, Feitan and Manchi were already outside,"We're running late," Manchi huffed and adjusted the sweatshirt she was wearing. 

Feitan had a long coat wrapped around his neck. He looked at me and nodded, "Hello."«Oh, hello Feitan.

 I hope you don't mind Manchi and me tagging along." Feitan looked at me and nodded, Manchi was smirking at this moment.

"We better get going before it gets dark." Manchi gave a thumbs up and the two of us left. The cold hit us like a ton of bricks. We walked outside, the sky was a little cloudy but the moon was bright. The four of us got on bikes and began riding down the road.

 We were about ten minutes outside the town when we heard loud voices. We stopped and waited. Macchiato, Wookie, and Kyuzo were running from the direction where the voices were coming from.

Ok, so I'm stupid and dumb because I was writing stories but I wasn't posting them so I will be posting some of them not. Some after rereading need extreme editing so yeah. Sorry again. 

Lol, just to be clear this isn't my story, I mean the very beginning is but I tested this website for my friend and this the result!

Website: https://www.shortlyai.com

Don't be a Hisoka!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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