Sweet Shots ✨

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Feitan and your relationship is... odd to say the least.

You were a hunter, specifically a crime hunter, and right now and for the last year, you had been 'hunting' the Phantom Troupe. Feitan, well he was a member of the Phantom Troupe.



You snapped your head up to see who was talking to you, it was the chief of police.

"Uh, y-yes sir."

"Stop stuttering like a child. I found a lead on where the Phantom Troupe will be next." He handed you the file and turned on his heel. "We leave in 20."

You let out a hum indicating that you understood. Jumping sightly we the chief slammed the door, you opened the vanilla file. As you read over it you smirked.

They were going to rob a bank on Main Street.

Standing up and getting out of your office proved to be a challenge considering there were cords all over the floor and tangled around the desk chair. The books and papers stacked up of your seemed to the higher than the Himalayas. 

Someone outta revoke your library card.

Quickly making your way towards the locker room, you grabbed your gun and (Choice of weapon). (A/n: I have no idea how police stations work, lol.) Placing both in your holster you made your way outside to meet the chief oblivious to the text message you were sent. Driving towards the scene of the supposed crime we halted a block away, still in sight but not close enough to raise suspicion.

You got out and made your way towards the bank, trying to appear as a bystander on their phone. The commotion inside quickly rose to panic and you looked towards the chief waiting for the signal.  He nodded at you and you raced inside the building. 

The civilians were gone and all that was left was the Phantom Troupe and local police officers with their weapons drawn. You instantly got your's out of the holster and aimed it at Pakunoda. 

"Drop the cash and surrender, we have you surrounded." You glanced to the side and saw the chief, you didn't even notice him until he addressed the criminals.

And as if that was some sort of trigger word, the five members that were present attacked. You fired but paper flew past your face and you couldn't see where you were firing. Your vision was returned as the paper floated down to the ground. Looking straight ahead you saw him, you shot Feitan Portor in the leg.

Eye contact was made and swiftly broken as he ran.

'Oh no,' you thought to yourself, 'I'm never going to hear the end of this.'

Back at the station, everyone was congratulating you even though you didn't catch him it was still an accomplishment. You decided to go to the grocery store since you got off early that day.

On your way, you checked your phone and noticed that you had a notification from before the robbery.

It read; ' I'm going to be back late, love u"

You sighed, as you parked your car in the seeming empty parking lot. When you walked in you immediately forget what you ventured in for. Strolling the isles for a while you decided on salmon and asparagus, an easy and delicious meal for two.

~Time skip~

As soon as you walked into your shared apartment you started to cook the meal. Putting the salmon on a baking sheet and inserting it into the oven. Cutting off the ends of the asparagus and placing it into a frying pan while seasoning it.

Feitan Portor x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now