Mei Mei - Pretty Little Thing

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       The casino was loud and humid, air of debt and endless pleasure. People selling everything they own and others experiencing the rush of a win, alcohol and regret, cigarette smoke and sin, it was a wonderful place. The dealer was smooth with his hands, the cards flying faster than her eyes could keep track, She'd peek at the cards in Mei Mei's hand before she'd place them face down onto the plush table.

It was a more underground casino, usually just for the high rollers with big stakes and buy-ins. 

"She playing?" The dealer gestured to (Name) sat perched all pretty on Mei Mei's knee, "She can't be here if she isn't playing." Mei Mei bounced her knee a little, creating friction on her pussy she was hyper aware of, and Mei Mei knew it. 

"What do you think doll?" (Name) seemed to ponder the question a little bit before hopping down and joining her on a stool. "Atta' girl." The dealer dealt her a hand and she looked at her cards, eyeing Mei Mei to the side with a smirk. 

"Raise it six thousand." It was the only words they had heard her say that evening. 

"I call." 

       "You never told me you were so good at poker." Mei Mei breathed against her lips, knee in between her legs and hands on the wall, caging (Name) in. 

"Mnff, I just enjoy watching you play more." She moaned when she started sucking on her neck.

"Damn right you do." 

       The couch was a flawless white, a perfect contrast to Mei Mei's black suit and (Name)'s pretty matching dress. Ever the business woman she was, Mei Mei had a meeting set up with one of the Jujutsu Families. A rich man, but not from any of the Big Three. An arm was slung across her shoulders, and if (name) was getting out of line or sticking her nose where it shouldn't be  a squeeze could be given as a warning. 

She was not there to provide input, she couldn't if she wanted to as she had no idea what the conversations were about half of the time. Her job was to sit there and look pretty, just a piece of eye candy that Mei Mei was showing off, flaunting her almost. As if she was saying 'Yes, I can afford my bitches, and treat them well. What can you do?' Nobody complained though, if you were a part of Mei Mei's crew nobody touched you, sorcerer or not. 

(Name) was familiar with the laws of Jujutsu and the politics, and she understood better than most that someone with the money that Mei Mei had doesn't come into it with legal means, but she herself was not a sorcerer. 

Mei Mei and the man talked incessantly and she was getting bored, antsy.... horny. (Name) had been Mei Mei's favorite of her new toys. She liked a little bit of a challenge and (Name) was... challenging. It had been a long time since since Mei Mei found it hard to keep up with someone, but she was like a rabbit. Everything turned her on, not that she minded in the least, but even so there were times when it was appropriate and times when it most certainly was not. This was a time when it was not appropriate.

 So of course, this was when (Name) decided she was going to slide a subtle hand over Mei Mei's thigh and squeeze. The action went unnoticed to the clueless stout man in front of them but Mei Mei was no idiot. She casually pulled the hand off her thigh and placed it back on the couch between them. (Name) moved her hand onto it again and Mei Mei repeated the action. This little dance played over about four times before Mei Mei got frustrated and she could no longer focus on the conversation with the pudgy gentleman. She faked a glance at her phone and looked at the man.

"I'm so sorry, director. It seems a family emergency has come up." 

"A family emergency?" He raised a speculative eyebrow,

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