Chapter 16 Teaching Eri, and Plan

Start from the beginning

Eri: I want to be a Big Girl Papa and I have seen what Bad Men can do and I want to know so when I am older I can be a Rider like you

Izuku: Alright, a Soul that can not change I burn, this send their soul to hell to ware Johnny deals with them

Eri: How can you tell a soul can't change Papa

Izuku: Well Eri, My Second year as the Rider I met this Villain named Muscular, bow he was a very bad man, he hurt a lot of people just for the fun of it, he enjoyed hurting others

Eri: He sounds Scary

Izuku: He was to many people, When I found him he was about to kill the Water Hose Duo and their son who Is about your age now, anyway When I saw his soul, it was stained in Blood of Innocent people and he loved it, I saw he hurt a Man who was just whistling, and a woman who just coughed

Eri: He did

Izuku: Yup and well the Heroes said he could change but a Man that loved to kill for fun can not change, I see that every night when I hunt

Eri: Really

Izuku: Yes, like I said to the Class, I am the judge and the jury and all the Time the sentence is death

Eri: Besides that Man who you said could change did you see anyone else could change

Izuku: I have only meet 6 people who souls were able to Change, that man was 1 so I met 5 others

Eri: So it is rare for people to change their souls

Izuku: It is, That is why a lot of people think I am a Monster it is because they can not see what I see, they don't see what the Sinners have Truly done, some Sinners have Sins that public doesn't know about, but I see it, I see everything

Eri: Papa your not a Monster, A Monster is the Sinners you burn, You are a Hero to many people, Your My Hero

Izuku: Eri

Eri: Papa you saved many People's lives by Being the Rider, and you also inspired some to save others like you, They might not Kill the Sinners but they go on and Help others that were in their shoes

Izuku: Eri when did you become so wise

Eri: I have you Papa to teach me this, when I watch you speak to others about this stuff I make sure to listen well

Izuku: That's My Girl

Eri: Papa, I know people say your a Monster, but the world would be a Darker place without The Rider and you Papa

Izuku: You will be a Great Hero someday Eri I know it

Izumi: What are you two talking about

izuku and Eri look to see Izumi and the rest of the girls and class come down to see Izuku and Eri talking as Izuku speaks

Izuku: I was teaching Eri here about have I see in Someones Soul, and I know if they can change or not

Mina: I been meaning to ask but can someone's soul lie to you

Kirishima: Yea like if someone had a Quirk to hide the Sins they had

Izuku: Yes actually, Someone can hide their sins from be, but not by Quirk

Mina: Really

Izuku: Since my Power is that of a Demon It is far more Powerful than Quirks

Eri: Then how can a Person hide their sins from

Izuku: They have help from a Powerful Demon, see Demons have no Souls to burn so I can't kill them that way

Katsumi: So how can a Demon help hide their sins

Izuku: Well Like how I became the Rider, they make a Deal, or someone they work for made a Deal, When A Deal is made the Powerful Demon uses a Curse to block all sins from being seen

Mina: So That is how someone can hide their sins

Izuku: Yup, anyway,I suggest we all get ready because today is the start of the Internships and Izumi remember your with me since your a Rider now and also since Black Heart is out their I don't want you or our Child being hurt

Izumi: Right Onii-chan

As they all start to get ready Izuku looked at 2 students

Izuku 'I already know you two are working for Black Heart and AFO, If It wasn't for Johnny I would have Killed you both already, but I need you two to lead me to Black Heart'

Flash Back

We see Izuku riding in the street as he stops and looks to the side to see Johnny leaning on the Wall, as Izuku gets off the Bike and walks up to him and then leans on the wall

Izuku: So is this Meeting about the Traitor's in Class

Johnny: Yup, I hope your keeping yourself from killing them

Izuku: I am, But the Rider wants to Eat

Johnny: I know, but remember With Black Heart out their they are the only ones that can take you two them

Izuku: I know

Johnny: I need you two do something also

Izuku: What

Johnny: If anyone asked if someone can hide their sins, Lie to them and say they can

Izuku: But I can't lie

Johnny: The Rider can lie, you just don't because you promised Izumi never to lie

Izuku: True, Also can Izumi tell they are the Traitor

Johnny: No she can't I made sure of that, she is still new to the Rider Power and that will cause some issues when trying to get Black Heart

Izuku: Great Now I have to lie to her more

Johnny: How all you have to do is lie until you kill AFO and Black Heart, and to make her happy from you Lying

Izuku: I know what I have to do

Johnny: Good now I must go

Flashback Ends

Izuku 'I told you the Rider sees all'

As Izuku looks at Mina and Kirishima talking to Toru, Ojiro and Aoyama who was showing off his Cape

(Hey Guys Hoped you enjoyed the Chapter)

(Man it is good to be back writing, Ghost Rider and Izuku 10 again)

(I hoped you all had a Great Christmas and a Great New Year)

(Now I have some things coming up Next Week about the upload schedule, Upcoming Stories, and Some Other Stuff, so I hope you all can't wait for that)

(Anyway It is Great to be Back writing for you guys)

This is Jinzo Signing Out

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