Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chloe's POV

When we got home, I felt a little sick... emotionally. Before we left, I was told by the doctor to tell them what he said to me, but I refused to. Now how am I going to tell them that I... I'm going blind.

Yep, I'm going to be blind sooner or later. Now how am I going to tell them? I'll just go in there when they are rehearsing or something and tell them. Oh wait, they don't have anything to rehearse for... shoot.

"Guys," I yell, hoping the whole house can hear me. I hope I don't have to yell soon since we are going to go back to the apartment in a few days.

I saw everyone run down the stairs and stand in front of me. Not in a straight line or something. Just in front of me; scrambled.

"I have to tell you something," I started. I don't think I can even finish my announcement. "I have some bad news." They all looked at me, eager to hear what I had to say.

"I'm going to have to go back to the hospital in a week and... I'm not going to be able to see when I get out. I'm going to be bl... bl..." I couldn't even say it. The thought of not seeing a single thing again was terrifying.

"What?!" Mitch said. He seemed to be upset too. "So you won't be able to see at all for the rest of your life?"

"Yeah, that's the meaning of blind." Avi said.

"I'm already starting to go blind and I'm slowly loosing my vision. By the time I get to the hospital, I'll practically be blind anyways." I said. I didn't realize I was crying until Scott wiped the tears off my face.

"So why do you have to get surgery even if you will already be blind?" Kirstie asked.

"Well, I have Nyctalopia. It could have been from those pills. They made the amount of light coming into my eye decrease and--" I was cut off by Kevin.

"And an overdose of those pills caused your eyes to let in so little light that it's making you loose that ability to collect light at all?" He finished. Everybody turned and looked at him in shock. He just shrugged and put that 'I went to Yale' face on.

"Yeah, what Kevin said." I said. "Oh God, why did I have to choose eye pills?" I said, face palming.

"Don't worry," Kirstie said as she put her hand on my shoulder and massaged it. "we'll get through this. Together."

At that moment, we did a group hug. Even though my vision is slowly disappearing, I know that my love for these guys will never deplete.



I had to look up what Nyctalopia was before putting it in my story. I looked in my parents' medical books. They're doctors... not bragging. Just had to say that and mention that Nyctalopia is a real thing and my facts are mostly correct here.


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