Chapter Three

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Chloe's POV

I followed the bearded man to an apartment building and soon, his apartment. When the man opened the door, I saw four other people sitting around.

"Guys, is it ok if we take in this girl until she finds a home?" The man who brought me here asked

"You won't need to do that," the tallest one said. "Welcome to our home, enjoy your stay with your new family!"

I was so happy to realize that I had a group of people who cared about me. It was literally the happiest I've ever felt. I couldn't contain my feeling so I just kinda looked like I was going to explode with an idiotic smile on my face.

"I'm Avi by the way," The bearded man said to me.

"I'm Scott," the tall one said.

"I'm Kirstie," the only girl said.

"I'm Mitch," the one with the tattoos said.

"And I'm Kevin," the last one said.

"Who wants to have a group hug?" Kevin asked.

They all got up and hugged me, leaving me kinda drowning in hugs. It was ok though. At least it helped me get over my overly excited state.

"Welcome... Umm..." Kirstie said.

I forgot to introduce myself. What an idiot!

"Umm... I'm Chloe," I say shyly.

"Welcome Chloe!" Kirstie said, happily. I could tell she hasn't gotten the chance to spend time with another girl. After all, she's always with 4 guys; well that's what it seems like.

I sound like a stalker in my head, I better stop now...

Scott's POV

We finally have a daughter! Like a PTX daughter! I'm really happy right now. But how are the fans going to react? How will Chloe react to hate comments? I sure don't want any of that self harm stuff happening... No one takes my blades from me...

What? I never said anything about self harm! What's self harm? Is it when you harm yourself? I sure don't do that!!

Fine. I cut. But not a lot though. I only cut during extreme situations where there is death, sadness and just straight up self harm. I know this makes me a hypocrite but, I don't want others to feel my pain. It's too intense for me to handle. A 16 year old girl surely couldn't do that!

Time to find a better hiding place for my knives and blades..


Hello! Hope you liked chapter three! I'm sorry I'm not updating a lot as usual. I will start doing that overnight or over the weekend. Not as much this weekend because I am going over to someone's house. But luckily, it's spring break and I'm bringing my phone with me! Hopefully I will be updating a lot then!


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