In Person

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The couple of nights that led up to the trip weren't very event full, Blue showed Nightmare the tattoo and Nightmare liked it, he already knew what it would look like but seeing it on Blue was different in a good way.
The night before Blue's friends trip, him and Nightmare were talking like perusal.
" really think that one of these days it would be ok to meet? In person?"
Blue could already see a smile starting to spread across Nightmare's face as he asked that.
"Ya, I really think so. It just can't be tomorrow, I don't want to risk it you know?"
"Ya I get it, but I can't wait for the day that I'll actually be able to see you..."
Nightmare nuzzled into the crook of Blue's neck, humming happily while pulling him close.
"Me to... I'm excited as well"
Blue tightly hugged Nightmare pulling him closer.
"Good, because I'll see you soon"
"Am I going to wake up soon?"
Blue curiously asked, an adorable expression on his face as he did.
"Unfortunately...but we'll see each other soon..."
"I know..."
Blue gave Nightmare a small kiss
"I love you~"
"Hmhm, love you to and I'll see ya soon"
"See ya then Nighty"
Sharing one more kiss Blue and Nightmare woke. Blue was pretty surprised that Nightmare was able to guess the exact time he would wake up, but hey he didn't mind. That was until he went to move and felt something warm behind him. He was reasonably confused by this and was going to turn around when he saw arms around his waist. For a moment he thought it was Palette until he heard the monster behind him speak.
"Wait how did- Blue?.."
The voice sounded so familiar, way to familiar. Blue quickly turned around only for a hand to be placed over his mouth, that in it's self at fist scared him until he saw who's hand it was... Blue tried to say something when he remembered that there was a hand on his mouth. The hand on Blue's mouth slowly slipped away, to Blue's surprise. Once it was gone Blue smiled and said what he wanted.
Nightmare smiled back as he nodded
"I guess-"
Blue quickly pulled Nightmare into a hug, moving a hand behind the kings head to pull him close.
"It's really you..."
Blue said with a look of disbelief still on his face. Nightmare's hands slid up to Blue's cheeks, cupping them lightly and starting to pull him closer.
"Yes...yes it is..."
Blue felt his eyes haze and start to close, he hasn't actually felt this motion in a long time but some how his body knew what was happening. The feeling of slight want and closeness was almost surreal after all of the dreams. A few seconds after thinking that Blue was pulled into a kiss, and it got heated, fast. With Nightmare slipping his tongue into Blue's  mouth and Blue letting out sweet little moans. It lasted maybe a minute or two before they had to part, panting happily with each other.
"You don't know how bad I wanted to do that..."
Nightmare huffed with a chuckle
"Oh trust me if I thought about it a little I think I might be able to figure it out~"
Blue giggled getting ready to pull Nightmare back into another kiss when-
"Hey Blue! Palette wants to say bye to you, are you awake!?"
They both stopped, hearing Dream yell to Blue. The two of them looked at each other and Blue was about to say something when Nightmare spoke first.
"Go ahead, it's not like I'm going anywhere"
"You sure?"
"Positive... I'll use some magic to hide my aura, it'll be ok."
"Mhm...fine, if you say so..."
Blue got up out of bed, put on some pants and went out to say bye to his friends. They were all standing there, Ink appearing to be holding almost all of the luggage and Palette with a cute little suitcase with a sunflower on it.
"We're leaving, and I just wanted to say bye before we go!"
Palette happily exclaimed
"Ok buddy! I hope you and your parents have fun."
"We will!"
Palette giggled running up and hugging Blue
"Bye unca Blue!"
"Bye bud"
Letting go of Blue, Palette ran back over to his parents.
"Like I said we'll be back in a week, so have fun and I don't know just do whatever."
Dream first said, followed by Ink saying-
"Yep, just enjoy the alone time and we'll be back soon."
"Ok have fun!"
Blue waved and said his goodbyes as his friends left. Once gone he was about to go back to his room, when Nightmare grabbed his hips and pinned him down on the kitchen counter. Blue was going to say something when instead he gasped, feeling something hard rub up against him.
"Does it feel good babe Blue?~"
Blue groaned, feeling the mass rubbing on him get harder.
"Mhm... F-Fuck I can't~ Ha~"
Blue again moaned, slowly getting turned around, and laid down on the counter.
"I want you babe Blue... I have for a long time~"
"M-Me to, but- ah- could we move somewhere a little m-more comfortable?"
Nightmare chuckled and agreed, picking Blue up and walking him into the living room. Dropping Blue onto the couch, Nightmare looked him up and down.
"Can you summon your ecto for me?~"
Nightmare smiled bending down and giving Blue a kiss.
"I'll love you anyway you look... So don't be nervous, ok?"
Blue was unsure but he nodded. Summoning his ecto, it was definitely a little different than the one he used in the dream world. He was still curvy, nice hips and big breasts. But he was a little chubby. Nightmare wasn't saying anything so Blue got nervous.
"I'm sorry if it's not-"
Nightmare pull Blue into a hug
"You're adorable!"
Nightmare chuckled, giving Blue some more small kisses.
"Why would you ever think that I wouldn't like you?"
"Cause I'm um...chubby..."
Nightmare rolled his eyes
"You aren't chubby, you're cute and adorable."
Blue flattered, blushed more letting out a couple of giggles.
"So I'm not sexy anymore~"
Blue questioned, in a very sexy tone. Nightmare pleasantly surprised by it grinned grabbing Blue's ass. Blue moaned as him and Nightmare switched positions, Blue now on top of Nightmare straddling him.
"Oh trust me, you are still very sexy~"
"Ha~ and you're still really h-hard~"
Blue panted, grinding on the bulge under him. Both him and Nightmare moaned. As Blue kept grinding on the mass beneath him, Nightmare summoned his tentacles and started to take off his and Blue's clothes. Nightmare took off their underwear, and Blue drooled looking at Nightmare's very erect member. Lifting up his hips, Blue positioned it right at his dripping went and ready cunt.
"'s so big~"
"Hehe, t-thanks... But Blue, you know that since this isn't a dream that it'll hurt a little...right?.."
"I know, and I'm pretty sure that's why you're letting me ride you."
"What? I have much more control this way...and even though we haven't done it here yet, we both know that you can get carried away quickly."
Nightmare chuckled nervously
"Eheh...I do sometimes don't I?"
"A little... But that's not important right now~"
Wiggling down some Blue let the tip slip into him.
"Ha~ This is going to feel good~"
"Oh~ ya it will~"
Blue continued to wiggle his hips down, as more of Nightmare went into him it started to hurt more. After a few more wiggles and the tip being all the way inside him there was a slight *Pop* sound. Blue winced.
"A-Are you ok Blue? You can stop for a second if-"
"I'm fine- I-I'm fine..."
Blue insisted continuing to rock his hips down on Nightmare. Blue felt himself getting stretched the further the length inside him went, it hurt but it was tolerable. Blue wiggled down until he felt all of Nightmare inside of him. Blue leaned back and panted, he felt so full and it hurt.
"You still ok Blue?"
Blue nodded, still adjusting to the mass inside him. It only took another five minutes or so for Blue to be adjusted. Blue raised his hips up then slammed back down onto Nightmare, they both let out loud moans.
"Ah!~ Mh~ Nighty!~"
"Ha~ Blue!~"
Blue started to rock his hips, fast as him and Nightmare kept on moaning.
"Guh~ Nighty it's so deep!"
"You're doing good~"
Nightmare grunted out, letting a moan slip after he finished speaking. Blue again lifted his body up off of Nightmare's member and slammed it back down, but instead of doing it once he did it repeatedly. The two monsters continued to moan and groan until they felt there climaxes approaching.
"Night- I'm gonna cum!~"
Blue warned, speeding up his bounces
"Me to~ AH!~"
Nightmare sat up and wrapped his arms around Blue, holding Blue down, still deep on his twitching shaft. Blue squirmed and tried to move but couldn't.
"Let me fill you with my hot sticky cum Blue~"
"Huh!? W-What if I-"
"It'll be fine, but please~"
Blue thought about for a second, and between moans he giggled.
"Did you think I'd say no?~"
Blue teased, getting his arms untrapped and pushing Nightmare back down onto his back. Blue stopped bouncing and instead quickly rocked his hips back and forth, letting Nightmare get deeper inside him.
"Ha- AH!~ CUMMING! Nighty- HA!~"
"GAH!~ Fuck!"
Liquids mixed inside Blue's womb, and seeped out of his aching pussy. Blue panted rapidly, letting the little energy in his body slowly disappear. Nightmare used his tentacles to pull Blue off of his member, pulling Blue into a nice tight hug.
"Hey Night...I gotta go take-"
" you don't..."
Blue picked his head up and looked at Nightmare.
"What are you saying?.."
"...I have never brought happiness to someone like I have you...and it's made me feel amazing... But I know there's still something you want..."
Nightmare moved his hand onto Blue's stomach, tracing over the tattoo.
"Something that still makes you envy my brother..."
"If you are not comfortable then it's ok...we can wait... But you always talk about Palette like he's your own...and you love thinking about-"
"Having kids..."
Nightmare felt Blue's hand grip his own on Blue's stomach.
"Are you sure about this? I mean it hasn't been that long, and what if this some how doesn't work out? I want it to of course but if it doesn't, I don't want a kid going through that."
"Blue trust me, it won't..."
Nightmare kissed Blue's cheek, then leaning his head on Blue's.
"Trust me babe Blue, the only thing I wanna do is make you happy."
Blue wasn't sure...but he wanted what Nightmare was offering...even though he was nervous...
" actually want to do this?.."
Blue timidly asked, Nightmare smiled and nodded.
"I do..."
"Well... Ok if you want to try we have time, so we might have to wait for my meds to where off."
"That's ok...but you never know~"
"Eh I think I do..."
They both chuckled a little and kept talking. The rest of the day was nice they talked, had more 'fun', and at one point Nightmare got a phone call.
"Who's that?"
Blue curiously asked
"I dunno, let me see"
Nightmare took out his phone and read the contacts.
"Cross? Hm, wonder what he wants"
Picking up the phone Nightmare started to talk.
"Where are you?"
Cross immediately asked
"The others are being idiots and are fighting, and Horror is cleaning out the fridge- Where the hell did you go!?"
Nightmare chuckled
"Killer's your boyfriend and you're pregnant, he'll listen to you. Dust doesn't like confrontation unless you know, he should stop if and when Killer does. And just yell at Horror, he'll feel bad and stop. He may even get you some food cause he feels so bad~"
"...What kind of food?"
Nightmare again couldn't help but laugh.
"The kind you'd actually be interested in"
"Nice- Wait no not the point!- Why are you making me do this!?"
"You're gonna be a dad soon, so you should get used to it."
"I guess... But what are you doing?.."
"Oh why I'm taking your advice"
"Oh? You mean seeing Blue?"
"Aw, that's nice! You should have told me, I'll try and not bother you two...if I can get this under control that is..."
"Hehe, I think you can manage. But we'll be there...tomorrow."
"...I won't survive..."
That time both Blue and Nightmare laughed, and once Cross heard Blue's voice he started saying hi.
"Oh! Hey Blue!- How's it going? The boss is with ya, and you guys must be enjoying yourselves."
"We are! And I heard about the baby, congrats!"
At this point Nightmare was just holding the phone so his friend and his boyfriend could talk. So he turned off speaker, and held the phone to Blue's ear until Blue took it.
"You wanted to make food right?"
Nightmare proceeded to ask, Blue nodding
"So you can still talk with him if you'd like, and if you need any help-"
"Nope! I got it, thanks Nighty!"
Blue happily yelled, running into the kitchen to make something to eat.
The last few hours of the day were relaxing. After Blue got off of the phone and finished dinner. Him and Nightmare ate, cuddled, and watched TV before going back off to Blue's room to sleep.

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