2. And Lanterns and Thoughts

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The cycle of life has four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. In Spring the orchids bloom; in Summer bamboo rear their head up; Autumn boasts of chrysanthemum; Winter falls with the plum blossoms.

The four Gentlemen.

Heralding four Seasons.

With just one Life.

But then, what might happen if it all stops at the second season? Summer comes and stays on; the heat comforts you and eventually sizzles you into congee; the bamboo shoots reach their full heights every sixty years or so.

The youth quietly hummed as he worked, slicing the already-split bamboo pieces into thin strips of uniform length. The sun had already begun to climb overhead with ferocious rage. It should be about time they came...

The characteristic quiet in that lonely corner of the marketplace got soundly broken by a din of voices accompanied by scattered footsteps. The motley had arrived.

It was a motley all right - with beggars of all ages and sizes and voices and natures huddled together into one unseemly group. The vendors nearby wrinkled their noses and moved away, but naturally didn't take action against such a big group.

The youth stood up to greet the eager folks, slightly frowning at the multitude of voices. "Greetings, but are there more people than last time?"

The crowd broke into fervent talk. "See, told ya - nothing escapes Teacher! We'd a few newcomers to our temple, so Ol' Feng thought to bring them along..."


He hurriedly shook his head, "No worries - but could Elders please not call this one as Teacher? Also... Elder Feng's here too?"

A loud voice shot out from the crowd's rear, along with noises of shuffling. "Of course, Teacher - your favorite student's here too!"

"Favorite student?" 

"Hah, just like that?"

"Keep dreamin', Ol' Feng!"

"It's true though, right Teach~"

He didn't answer, mentally sighing in relief at the familiar cheery voice.

"Hm then," He turned his head to gesture in, "Since everyone's here, let's begin, shall we?"


"Be careful with the strips - their fibers can pierce you in the-"



"I'm fine!"


The youth shook his head for the umpteenth time that day and moved to sit down beside the other, who smiled guiltily. "Sorry, it slipped from under the leg."

"...I see."

"Um, I think I'll do better with a shorter one... haha..."

"That strip was the shortest one..."


"..." Mimi Shen picked at bits of the strip in his hand. "Elder."


"Is... is that arm of yours paining again?"

The other sent him a radiant smile while sucking at his injured finger. "Na-ah! Thanks to Xiao Zhi's medical skills, I'm alright now!"

The youth sat back, looking exasperated. "Elder, you... really don't have to ridicule me like this..."

"Why? Your medicines are superb! Just that the taste is too, ehem how do I put it hahahaha..."

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