'Ok.. Ok.....Devil has sent me.'

'Why?' Rajveer said to Leena in a very silent yet deep voice.

'Believe me. I didn't come on my own will. Devil has sent me.' Leena said.

'And why?' Rajveer frowned at Leena.

'Actually, he wanted to get the files of this big project.

But believe me. I needed money for my husband's operation. My name is Mili. My husband has leukemia. Devil told that he would pay the hospital bills. But only when I get the files.' Mili cried.

'Ok, but you'll never ever come near me and also don't worry about devil, I'll handle him. And do you know what he looks like? ' Rajveer said to Mili.

'No...sir, he was wearing a mask and also thank you so much sir for helping me on this.' Saying this, Mili went out of the room.

Rajveer took his phone and called Aryan.

'Aryan I was right, that bastard devil has done this.' Rajveer said to Aryan.

'Ok.. What about the girl?' Aryan said to Rajveer.

'I have sent her safely. Pay her husband's hospital bills.' Rajveer said.

'Ok... That devil bastard..... Neither he hasn't shown his face nor he is going to stop.' Aryan said.

'I know, he has been my rival for many years. It's nothing new. But we have to find him soon.' Rajveer said.

'Ok.. Boss.' Aryan said.

'Poor girl, she didn't do this willingly. Really, sometimes, some people will do anything to keep a loved one with them.' Rajveer thought.

'Why wasn't SHE like that?'


Here, many miles away from Rajveer's hotel, a girl is sleeping peacefully in her bed.... She has beautiful locks of reddish brown coloured half curly hair. Brown skin tone...

16 years ago.....

'So, class take out your textbooks and note copies.' The teacher said.

Two boys were sitting in the back bench, not paying any attention to their teacher.

One of them said...

'Hey, what are you doing?

The other one answered...

'Nothing yaar (friend), I just hate Maths.'

'Yes, but you have to pass the exam anyways. We both have failed in this class twice.'

'I know, I know, I will pass somehow.'

'How so?'

'I -

But the boy was cut by the teacher's voice.

'Hello, students, this is your new classmate and friend. She has been transferred from C section to A section.'

One of the two boys looked up and saw a girl standing beside the teacher.

Brown skin, slightly curly hair, brown eyes........

He was so lost in that girl that he didn't listen to what the teacher said.

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