Chapter 5: W1rele55_C0nnec7

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It was Sunday afternoon and over the noise of the television, Connor could hear the pitter-patter of rain against glass. Every once in a while, there was the quiet hum of a car driving past, and the faint bark of a neighbour's dog.

Hank chuckled at a joke on screen Connor didn't understand, but he wasn't really paying attention anyway. Connor was as relaxed as his artificial limbs would allow, face resting against Hank's shoulder, the comforting weight of Sumo's head on his legs.

Connor let his eyes slip shut, wanting to submerge himself fully into this state of relaxation.


The part of his system that was still running at sufficient speed focused fully on the press of Hank's shirt against the side of his face. The hard and warm line of Hank's shoulder. The strong and steady 64/bpm heartbeat.

His hand continued to pet Sumo in a harmonious rhythm to his favourite beat. The sound of rain and the voices on television washed over Connor, merging into a pleasant background noise.

Hank turned his head and pressed a kiss to the side of Connor's forehead and Connor smiled, some components inside him seeming to warm pleasantly at the gesture of affection.

The arm around his shoulder moved a bit and a thumb began to rub circles over the skin where a collar bone would be. Connor hummed in contentment at the motion right up to the moment when Hank's hand dipped lower. It slipped inside Connor's shirt and started to trace patterns into his chest and tease the skin with his blunt nails.




Connor's eyes flew open at the stimuli, the energy saving mode he had been in ending abruptly. It wasn't that his chest was more sensitive than other areas. It would be more accurate to say that thanks to the temperature and tactile modules he was sensitive everywhere.

Hank pushed his pliant body a bit so he could get access to Connor's mouth and pulled Connor into a slow kiss. Hank's other hand joined the first under the shirt and started to trail fingers over the expanse of Connor's stomach. Connor's leg twitched as a shiver ran through his body and Sumo removed his head with a whine, opting to lie down on the carpet.




Connor only vaguely noticed Sumo moving away, too distracted by Hank's touch to pay attention to anything else. He could feel Hank's pulse against his skin, steadily climbing higher as the kiss grew more heated.

The slide of Hank's tongue against his own and the burning presence of his touch had Connor unable of performing any tasks that required more than a quarter of his RAM by the time Hank pulled back for air. That percentage quickly began to drop as Hank removed Connor's shirt and manhandled the pliant android into his lap.




Another shiver ran through his body and Connor put his arms around Hank's neck as he reclaimed warm lips.

System_err0r |  Detroit Become Human (Connor x Hank)Where stories live. Discover now