Chapter 4: secrets_are_like_zombies

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Connor tried not to fidget as Hank sat down opposite him, wanting to take out his coin to give himself something to do, but restraining himself, because he didn't need to add to the evidence and incriminate himself any further.

Hank's patience shattered into pieces after precisely 53 seconds.

"I know something is fucking going on with you, Connor, so either you tell me now or I swear I'm going to find out myself sooner or later."

Connor looked to Sumo, who had padded on to lazily lie down next to the table, wishing they could switch places. His processor tried to calculate the best solution for the situation, tried to find what to say that would convince Hank that nothing was going on, but came up with nothing that had a good success rate.

Connor decides to stick to the truth as close as possible, hoping it'll be enough to satisfy Hank.

"My software has experienced some errors and malfunctions for a bit over a week now." His voice was flat, analytical, the way he sounded when he gave a status report. He tried not to feel bad about the worry that marred Hank's face.

"Shit. Why didn't you say anything? Do you need to go to CyberLife or somewhere to, I don't know, get it fixed?"

The idea of going back to CyberLife, of letting them back into his software, not knowing what they might manipulate or change made Connor almost switch into emergency mode and he could feel his hands shaking.





Hank must have noticed, because his face darkened and he growled, "I'll make sure those fuckers won't do anything to you."

"No, Hank, it's nothing serious," Connor frowned, unsure how to word his sentence. "I– they're normal-," Hank raised a disbelieving brow at that, gaze still pinned on Connor and Connor found it difficult to get his thoughts into order.



"It's because I'm not bound to my primary programming anymore, but at the same time I'm still bound to my system and my body is reacting in ways my system doesn't know how to catalogue, so it files it as errors or malfunctions."

"But Connor, your reactions are fucking extreme." The frown was back on Hank's face, likely trying to understand what precisely could evoke such strong reactions from the usually so restrained android.


Connor's hands fiddled with the hem of his shirt, needing some sort of anchor and focus point, so he could try and get his system to calm down a bit. It wasn't working.

He'd rather pet Sumo, something about the repeated motion surprisingly soothing, but the big hound was so far away.

Hank considered him for a few more moments, eyes roaming over Connor's face, looking for clues that would help him figure out this puzzle.

"Is something stressing you?" Hank sounded genuinely concerned now. "Geez, why won't you talk to me? I know becoming a deviant has been fucking hard for you. Hell, it's hard for us humans to fuckin' function on a day-to-day basis, look at me," Hank laughed humourlessly. "I can't imagine how difficult this shit must be for you."

System_err0r |  Detroit Become Human (Connor x Hank)Where stories live. Discover now