Chapter Two

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Loud bangs come from down stairs as it is only 4 am. My whole body jumps out of my bed as the bangs hadn't woken the other two.

Running downstairs I open the door to see a boy with brown hair and glasses, a ginger, and a girl.

"Good morning, I'm Harry. I assume you guys are getting ready? The chosen one says with excitement. What's so exciting about being up this early?

"What crazy person is up this early?" I complain still unable to keep my eyes open.

"You have silly accent! You must not be from here." Ron laughed.

"Ron don't be ridiculous. She's from America just like Eve." Hermione informed Ron.

"Feel free to come in. Ill wake up the others." I groaned. completely exhausted from the night before.

After waking the others I prepare some breakfast for us all and we all sit at the table. For a while we just shared some stories from Ilvermony and life in America. They seemed so interested in hearing about America but there really wasn't anything that special about it.

As talk goes around the room I start to clean bits and pieces of the mess the girls left from last night. I like to keep things nice and clean and not leave my manor like an ogre swamp.

While everyone was distracted I snuck away to head back into my room. My parents did everything they could to hide old family secrets from me. Secrets that caused us to up and move to America. My fingers swept the old dust that hid a couple of letters in plain sight.

"Maeyln! Where'd you go?" Graces voice wanders around the house. Quickly looking through the letters I found a locket. The lock on my door is becoming loose so I quickly throw the letters, newspapers, photos, locket, anything I can find in my bag. Even my mothers old diary's.

"There you are! I knew I'd find you hiding in here. Just wanted to let you know that we are about to head out." Grace says in the whimsical voice she always has. Always so calm in any situation.

"Better have your things packed. You also better not ruin this opportunity for us." Eve warned with her cousin and her British friends by her side. Grace just follows.

Opening my bag I grab the locket I had found and when I opened it, a photo of a girl so familiar with a photo of my mother. Is this some sort of friendship necklace? Closing it back up it had a snake engraved on the front and is the finest of silver. For now I throw it around my neck and gather my things for school.

"Everyone got everything, correct?" Harry said with so much enthusiasm.

"I do!!! I do!"
"Of course I do. I'm always prepared unlike others."
"Hey I only forgot my cauldron once. That was Fred's fault"

"Then I say it's time to get this show on the road" Harry laughed at his own phrase.

~Hogwarts Bound~

Rushing through the wall it's gathered with a ton of students. More students than Ilvermony had. Grace clicked effortlessly with Eve and the Golden Trio. Leaving me out but I guess it's best I branch out and make new friends at some point.

I follow my group on the train to find that there wasn't any seating left for me.

"You could sit on my lap!" Eve suggested but I decline the offer.

"No it's ok I'm gonna sit elsewhere. I'll see you guys when we get there." I reply trying to find some place empty. Finally found it. Free of people so I don't have to talk to anyone. Sitting alone I pull out the locket and try to make out who the other person could be with my mother.

My mother doesn't have any siblings either and I don't recall any friends here. I reach for my bag and gather all the photos my parents had left. None of them with the same girl in it. I see in the corner of my eye a figure sit in the seat across from me. Not a word from them either.

I rush to throw the photos in my bag and drop the locket in process. "Fuck." I whisper to myself.

"What?" A familiar voice asks.

"Lumos." I chanted attempting to look for the locket ignoring whoever is across from me.

"Looking for this? It's quite nice." He said as I look up to find it's the blonde boy again.

"Yes that's mine, I'd like it back." I warn holding my wand in his face.

Grabbing my wand with his hand and pushing it down, holding my locket in his other, "Quite the manners. Wonder how much value this is to you. Funny thing is my mother has one similar to this one." He snarled with his cold eyes locked in with mine. He can sense how frustrated I am. What does he mean by that anyways?

"Just give it back." I warn for the last time as he opens it up and looks at the photos.

"Why is my mother's photo in here?" He asked dropping the locket on the table.

"That's your mother?! I've been trying to figure out who that is all day." I informed him. His shoulders loosen and he leans on the table close to me.

"Look I don't know you. I don't want to know you. Already weird enough that we are neighbors and you have a locket with my mother in it." He hissed acting all high and mighty.

"You're the one who sat next to me." I reminded.

"Draco you found somewhere to sit!" A girl with black hair followed by a tall guy with brown eyes.

"Who's this?" She asked while sitting on Blonde boys lap.

"Draco is it? It was nice meeting you guys but y'all can have this booth." I sigh with pure annoyance.

"American girl I see. Must be new here." The tall brown eyed boy teased.

As I attempt to get up and grab my things Draco pulls my arm down causing me to fall in my seat. "Stay. There's no room anywhere else anyways. This is Pansy and Blaise." Draco introduced while keeping me from heading back to my friends. Sudden switch up from being cold to an attempt of kindness.

"I'm Mae. Maelyn Estelle. I transferred from Ilvermony." I introduced but Pansy didn't seem to thrilled. She kept clinging on to Draco like I was going to jump on him.

"Well Maelyn, glad you're here. Maybe you'll be sorted in our house." Blaise said in a very welcoming tone, a tone that Draco and Pansy neglect to have.

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