Chapter 4: secrets_are_like_zombies

Start from the beginning


"I didn't experience any increased stress levels," Connor noted he had switched to his formal speech patterns and opted for a more informal approach, "I'm fine, Hank, honestly." Hank snorted, obviously not believing anything Connor had just said.

"It's just – this is all so new to me. I'm not used to – feeling so much. That is likely the reason I'm reacting so strongly. It's not that I'm stressed, it would probably be more accurate to say that I'm more sensitive to some stimuli."

"You saying you're a delicate fuckin' flower?" Hank grinned, but Connor didn't need his analytical software to notice that the skin at the corner of Hank's eyes didn't crinkle like it usually did.

"But you never reacted so god damn sensitive to anything since you started living with me, Connor. Just spill the damn beans already, before all this worrying gives me a fuckin' heart attack."





Connor was sure that this was what it felt like to be at the receiving end of an interrogation and he decided that he didn't like the feeling of impending doom that hung over him, waiting to descend as soon as he uttered something wrong.

Hank watched him as if he expected Connor to bolt any second now. And that was precisely what Connor wanted to do, his fight or flight calculator agreeing with him.


"Something happened in the last week or so and I'll be fuckin' damned if I'll continue to watch you trying to hide whatever it is that's bothering you." Connor was certain his face could now be used as a visual for the phrase 'deer caught in headlights'.

"So, you wanna tell me what caused your first malfunction?"

"I – appear unable to recall." Hank looked unimpressed with Connor's reply.

"You know, even without that damn light merrily blinking away, you're a shitty liar. Ought to complain about that to your maker really." The hurt was plain on Hank's face, although he tried to hide it.

"I –," Connor didn't know what to say, didn't know what to do to make the hurt on Hank's face go away, didn't know what to do to not ruin the only thing that made him realize what it felt like to be happy.


"Hank, please –", was all Connor could think to choke out, his vocal modules apparently having joined the ranks of error messages without Connor's notice. Judging by the expression on Hank's face, it was apparently the wrong thing to say.

Hank dragged a hand over his face, looking utterly exhausted all of a sudden.

"Shit, Connor, please don't tell me I'm the reason you're so on edge lately. Why else wouldn't you fuckin' tell me-" Hank's voice sounded raw and dread slowly spread across his face.



"No, Hank, you're not the reason." Connor realized his mistake the moment the lie left his artificial lips. Hank muttered some obscenities as his eyes flicked between Connor's face and the LED on his temple – both no doubt unmistakably telling him that Connor had just lied to his face once again – before he stumbled to his feet.

System_err0r |  Detroit Become Human (Connor x Hank)Where stories live. Discover now