Ch. 1 The Preface

Start from the beginning

Inside Stark Manor, sixty-four-year-old Edwin Jarvis stared at the screen with a mixed gaze. Footsteps walking towards him grabbed the elder butler's attention.

" Jarvis. What's wrong?" A feminine voice asked, sounding concerned.

Jarvis turns his head back, and he sees the Head Lady of Stark Manor, fifty-eight-year-old Maria Stark nee Collins-Carbonell, stare at him with a concerned gaze.

" Forgive me, Lady Stark. It seems as though we have a No-Maj named Petunia Dursley, standing outside Stark Manor," Jarvis explained.

" And what does she want?" Maria asked, looking and sounding curious.

" She wishes to see Young Tony, My Lady. This No-Maj says that she has something very and I mean very important that belongs to Young Tony," Jarvis explained.

" Howard is in his lab, and Tony is in his bedroom asleep since he has been out all day partying," Maria responded, and she frowned while staring at the screen. " Let me speak to her," She glanced at Jarvis.

" Are you sure? I can tell her to leave," Jarvis looked at Maria with a concerned gaze.

" No need for that...yet," Maria reassures, and she gently pressed the red button to speak in the intercom.

" Hello, this is Maria Stark speaking. I am Tony's mother. What can I do for you?" Maria asked.

Petunia's blue eyes sparkled, and she looked relieved to hear Maria's voice.

' I see! So, Lily must have given her daughter's second name based on her Grandmother,' Petunia tells herself, and she widely smiled.

" Hello, Mrs. Stark! I am so sorry for bothering you. You see, I came from England to deliver this precious gift to your son," Petunia explains while stepping back a bit and holding the baby carrier above her, not caring if it rains on her niece.

Unbeknown to Petunia, Maria and Jarvis saw the baby carrier from the screen. They were surprised and shocked to see Holly, wide awake and staring at them with bright green eyes.

" Oh, Dear," Maria and Jarvis looked at one another with a concerned gaze.

Petunia puts the baby carrier down, and she raises an eyebrow when she doesn't hear a response. However, her questions got answered when the gates opened and a black car drove up to her.

" Hey, Petuna. My Uncle Jarvis sent me to fetch you since the walk to the Manor is very long. And since you know, you have a baby with you. Lady Stark doesn't want the baby to get sick," A masculine voice speaks.

Petunia turned her gaze to the black car, and her blue eyes blinked when she saw twenty-two-year-old Harold Joseph "Happy" Hogan roll the driver's window down to stare at her.

" It's Petunia! And who are you?" Petunia asked with a raised eyebrow.

" My name is Harold Hogan, but my best friend, thee Tony Stark, calls me Happy," Happy introduced himself.

" Ah! So, you are here to take me to see Mr. Tony Stark! Excellent! Here, take this," Petunia gives her niece's baby carrier to Happy.

Taken by surprise, Happy instinctively held the baby carrier, and he then gently set the baby carrier to the side passenger seat. He opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped when he saw Petunia sitting behind him as though she owned the car.

" Okay," Happy shakes his head, and he begins to drive back to Stark Manor. Occasionally, he would look at Holly from the corner of his chocolate brown eyes.

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