The men joined me at the table. I brought out my laptop to explain my discoveries.

"What have you got that was so important that I needed to leave Dani at the party?" Harry leaned back in his chair.

I raised my eyebrows, lifting my gaze just above my laptop to glare at him.

"Detective Tomlinson has been spotted within the organization. He has contact with the Roach's." I explained.

"What?" Harry sat up straight again. "How do you know this? Who saw him?"

"We did." Niall said in a serious tone. "Only about an hour ago, we heard him in the basement speaking with Isaac Roach."

"So you didn't actually see him, you just heard him?"

We nodded.

"Then how do you know that it was him?" Harry squinted.

"Come on H." Niall sighed. "His voice is easily identifiable. I know you don't want to believe this but-"

"You have no proof that it was him!" Harry protested, which took Niall and I by surprise. He was never this vocal about his opinions unless he was dead serious about them.

"Actually, we do." Gorilla spoke up. "I have the basement equipped with cameras."

I glanced at Niall. He had a smug look on his face. He was right, we needed Gorilla.

"How did you get cameras in there?" I inquired.

"It doesn't matter how they got there, but they're in there." He pulled out a phone, fiddled around with it, then looked at us. "A few hours ago?"

"Around midnight." Niall confirmed.

Gorilla pressed a few more buttons, then turned the phone around so that all three of us detectives could see the image on the screen. There were two figures, clearly outlined, they were night-vision cameras. We watched intently as they walked into the interrogation room at the back of the office. Gorilla sped up the footage until two more figures entered the frame.

"Is that-"

"Carter and me." Niall nodded at Harry's question.

You could clearly tell that it was Niall and me. There was no doubt, even if you couldn't see our faces. I watched as I crept closer to the interrogation room, oblivious to the fact that there were people inside. Then, I saw Niall pull me into the closet.

"Good reflexes." Harry remarked, probably remembering the time he was forced to pull me into the godforsaken torture chamber to escape Julian.

Moments later, the original two figures walked out of the interrogation room. You could now see their faces clearly.

"That's-" Harry's voice caught in his throat. "Tommo."

I nodded solemnly.

Isaac and Tomlinson continued to talk, though we couldn't hear their conversation, I knew what they were saying. What I hadn't known was that Isaac pulled a gun on Tomlinson when he refused to tell him about the storm.

"He had a gun?" Niall squinted.

"That's why Tomlinson lied." I muttered in realization.

"What?" Harry frowned.

"He told Isaac we were storming in the new year, but Tomlinson has no idea when we're actually storming." I explained.

"He lied because if he didn't give an answer, he'd be killed." Niall added.

Assault With a Deadly Weapon || N.H / 1DTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon