Chapter 2~ Cravings and Yearnings

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Murat tried to sneak out of bed without waking his wife who looked like a vision even when she was asleep. She held his hand and requested him to stay with her for a bit longer. Not missing the opportunity, he rolled over her, "What are you trying to do, Murat Sarsilmaz? she asked with a playful smile. "Just trying to kiss my beautiful wife." He kissed her eyelids, then her nose, which led them to share a passionate kiss. "Um umm! I think it's too early in the day for this kind of stuff, we need to stop this before it goes out of our control," he said as he came down to kiss her belly. Hayat blushed as he complained to their baby about her being naughty. He was telling Hayat that he had some meetings with some investors and would not be home before evening when she abruptly interrupted him in a curious tone, "Murat, do you want to see our baby? We can schedule an appointment with my doctor." "What? Can we do that? Oh My God! Hayat, I am cancelling all my meetings...I- '' Murat was too excited to control his emotions and he took Hayat in his warm embrace. Hayat held him tight and asks him to calm down, she will book an appointment for tomorrow. Murat childishly asked "wallah mi?" "Wallah" she assured.

              Unable to sleep the whole night, Cemil left for Sarte early in the morning. Despite the fact that there was no relationship between him and Tuval, he believed that he owed her an apology. He was sitting on the stairs when he saw Kerem's car, he stood up and walked forward to greet Kerem. Kerem congratulated him for his engagement with Asli. They noticed a taxi coming near and saw Tuval coming out of it, they were confused as it was still too early for Tuval to arrive. Tuval was wearing huge black shades to hide her eye bags that she got from overnight crying. She greeted Kerem and walked past them. Cemil followed her to her workplace, still confused about her feelings. "Yes? Do you want to say something?" Tuval almost spat out of anger. Cemil told her that he wanted to ask something. "I do not think I know anything that concerns you. Do you mind leaving me alone? I have got a lot of work. Thank you!" Tuval replied and got busy with her work. 

            Breakfast table was set at Sarsilmaz's residence. Babanne asked Hayat if she was feeling any morning sickness, to which Hayat replied, "thankfully, I am not, Babanne." Doruk congratulated the parents-to-be once again as he felt last night he was too stressed to do justice to the happiness the baby is going to bring in their lives. Hayat blushed and told him that she would not let him spoil the child and they all laughed. Murat turned to Doruk and asked him about Derya annem. "But Abi, I want to talk to you about something- '' Murat interrupted Doruk saying, "Doruk, we can talk later. You go bring annem home first." Murat told Hayat to take care of herself and eat fruits as they walk towards the door. He gave her a goodbye kiss and was about to walk out of the door when she interrupted, "Aşkım, can you bring me some pastries when you come back?" "Of course, Hayatim (my life), anything else?" "And some strawberries?," Hayat guiltily added. "Tamam tamam, aşkım," Murat said with a bright smile. "Wallah mi?" Hayat enquired. "Wallah!" he laughs. Her eyes follow him until he dissapeared.

           "Evet, Kerem! Hayat loved the surprise. I will see you at our new office," Murat dropped the call as he pulled his car over and entered his Annem's theatre, which was going to turn into his office in a month. He was reminiscing about the beautiful moments he had shared with Hayat last night when Kerem interrupted him with a "Selem! How's our father-to-be?" They shared a tight buddy hug and started talking about the meetings. Kerem ensured Murat that he will look after the renovation proceedings of the office.

            Doruk brought Derya home and made her apologise to Hayat. She added that she can never do such a thing intentionally and Hayat forgave her. Babanne, however, was not quite convinced with her acts, she knew she had to warn Hayat to be more careful around Derya. Hayat called Murat to ask if meetings were going well and thankfully they were. While returning from the last meeting, Murat got a call from Tuval. She was trying to sound funny but Murat could sense that she was stressed. He asked her to wait for him at Sarte. He grabbed two cold coffees on the way, which usually Tuval did when she had to calm him down. He found her sulking in her chair. "TUVAL!!" She got up and gave him a tight Tuval hug, thanking him for the cold coffee. "So, what's the matter, Tuval? Why are you trying to be extra funny today?" Murat asked her. She tried to change the topic and punched him twice for not informing her about Hayat's pregnancy. Murat laughed and hugged her again and told her how hard it was for him to hide it from her. "Murat!! Please come back to Sarte. Every employee misses you." "I miss you all too but you know how the situation is, Tuval. Doruk is the rightful owner of Sarte." He told her that he had to be home early and asked her if something was bothering her but she denied it again. They were in his car when Tuval began to tell him about how Hayat blushed when she told her about planning on junior Sarsilmaz before their honeymoon. "Only you could do that, Tuval,'' Murat said with a grin. Tuval told him that she has been thinking about creating a kids' clothing line "HAYMUR KIDS." "That's a great idea, Tuval. But don't you think you should ask Doruk about it? And what's with that name?" Murat was surprised at Tuval's idea as usual. "No, I do not need anyone's approval, Murat. I want to do it and I will do it. And for god's sake, Hayat + Murat makes HAYMUR. Your baby is inspiring me already," Tuval answered with her usual facade. "Woah! Tuval, you never fail to surprise me. That is so thoughtful of you, how would I ever thank you for being such a dear friend?" Murat was actually getting emotional but he said that in a funny tone. He spotted a pastry shop and pulled the brakes. He came back with Tuval's favourite lavender flavored chocolates and a huge box of pastries. "Uhh Uhhh, someone's taking care of his wife's cravings. Ahh only if I was a bit younger, Hayat wouldn't have stood a chance," and they both started laughing. She told him that she would be seeking his insights on the project when she waved him bye.

           Murat found Babanne and Derya sitting in the hall. Derya jumped up to drown him with explanations as soon as she saw him. "Derya annem, you don't need to apologise to me. Just try to be careful next time," he said with a grim voice. He was tired. He kissed Babanne's hands and went straight to his room where he found Hayat sulking in bed. Her face lightened up as soon as she looked at him, "How was your day, Murat?" "The meetings were good, we might get some investors soon. But what is with you ladies today, huh? Tuval was sounding low and here you are, sulking with that puppy face," Murat was really confused. Hayat got excited when she heard Tuval's name and asked why she sounded low. She told Murat that she got a call from Ipek, "Asli and Cemil abi are engaged, Murat." He was as shocked as Hayat was, they had always thought of Asli and Doruk as partners. "Tamam, I will talk to Doruk about it. Here is your favourite pastry." Hayat took the box from him and started ravishing those pastries like a child.

              Hayat was preparing for bed when Murat came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. She could not take her eyes off him, pregnancy hormones were doing their magic. Murat could read her eyes, as he himself was yearning for her. He walked closer to her until there was just a pillow between them. His proximity was driving her crazy and she dropped the pillow with all her inhibitions. Murat took the cue and in no time they were claiming each other's lips. There was no space between their bodies and breathing was not important enough. They wanted to feel every bit of each other's being. Hayat's hands were running down his back when he picked her up and put her in bed, still kissing. He took off the robe of her nightgown and started peppering her neck with kisses. Hayat was burning with desire, her hands running through his hair. He trailed his way from her neck to her breasts but as soon as he reached her belly, he stopped. "Hayat! Are you sure this won't hurt the baby? Did the doctor say anything?" He asked, controlling his desires. "I am not sure, Murat. I think we should wait for the doctor's confirmation," Hayat answered disappointedly. Murat came up to face her and kissed her lips gently. His eyelids were fluttering, as they always did when he was embarrassed and Hayat was trying to escape his gaze. They found the situation awkward and started laughing. Murat put his pyjamas and T-shirt on, kissed her belly, and cocooned her in his arms.  

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