I put my hand on the doorknob and slowly twist it. I crack the door open so that I have enough room to peak in.

Nadine is shouting as he throws antiques on the floor. He has a bottle liquor in his hand, too. He brings it up to his mouth and takes a swig. He looks at it for a few seconds before smashing that too.

"Nadine?" I say as I step into the dimly lit room.

He turns around, surprised to see me. "What the fuck are you- what the fuck are you doing awake?" He asks, putting a hand to his forehead.

A little hurt by his harsh words, I push it away and get further into the room. "It's kind of hard to sleep when a lot is going on in the other room." I say with a light, reassuring laugh.

He gives me a small smile before it fades. "I'm sorry." He whispers

I walk more into the room, careful not to step on any broken glass. "What are you sorry for?" I ask. I stop walking when I reach him. He's sitting on his bed, a hand running through his hair.

"Everything. I wish I could tell you- but- I- I can't." His words are lured and hurried.

"You can tell me." I whisper. Im standing in front of him with his head down. I hesitantly bring my hands up, pulling his cheeks and forcing him to look up at me. "What's wrong? Please."

He leans into my touch. His face is cold, but when he breathes against my hand, it's warm.

"I don't think you could handle it, Tesoro." He pulls away from me and stands up. "But you have to understand, that I'm doing this for you."

He's doing what for me?

He goes to walk out, but then turns around and walks back to me. I'm confused until he softly grips my jaw and leans down. His lips press against mine.

But this doesn't feel like a 'don't worry' kiss. It feels like a goodbye kiss.

He also broke the news about how we're not going back to New York. That the rest of our Mafia- the teens we had left- are going to be arriving around this evening.

"Listen up." Nadine yells as he walks through the door. He's been gone for hours and is obviously drunk. "I have a very- I have some big news." He says stumbling over his words. "The rest of our Mafia, is- are- going to come down here and join us. You know, we have the extra space, we'll be fine."

Diego rolled his eyes and just went upstairs.

"Hey- Hey! I- I didn't say you could go upstairs yet. Come down here!" Nadine stomps his foot as if he's throwing a fit. I haven't seen much of drunk Nadine. The only time I knew he was drunk, was when he came into my room. I could smell the whiskey off his breath. But even then- he didn't act like this.

"Isn't our Mafia dead? Thanks to the Russians. Who we still haven't killed." Kaylee says out of nowhere.

"That is- That is incorrect. The Russians were framed by the French." He hold sup his finger. "That's why I have decided to fo-" he looks over to me and stops talking. "That's why we've decided to help each other out."

I mean- there's plenty of space, but I'm still not sure how I feel about how cramped it will be.

I go across the hall, and knock on Nadine's door, "hey, it's me, can I come in?" I ask, still knocking on the door.

"I'm busy." He simply says. I probably wouldn't have heard it if my ear wasn't pressed against the door.

I'm pathetic.

"Oh- uhm. Okay." I tug my bottom lip into my mouth. "I just want to talk to you."

I hear nothing.

"Please." I whisper to myself.

Did I do something?

"I'm busy."

I let out a shaky breath and walk away.

I don't deserve this.

I don't deserve this yet I'm still doing this to myself.

I decide I'm going to take a shower. I'm not going anywhere today, but I'm bored. So I guess I should just do whatever keeps me busy.

I grab a towel from under the sink, and turn the water on. Switching it to the hot side.

I wait a few minutes for it to heat up, before stepping in. I step under the water, and let it run down my body, soaking my hair, and turning my skin a bit pink from the heat.

I wash my parts, wash my hair, shave my legs, my vagigi, my armpits, and then rinse off.

I grab the towel I had hanging on the rack, and wrap it around my body.

I don't waste any time getting out and drying off. I change into a black tank top and grey sweatpants. My basic go to outfit.

I slip some fuzzy socks on my feet so they don't get cold. Trust me, when my feet are cold, nothing will make my body warm.


I've spent all day doing nothing.

I watched T.V, hung out in Delilah-which surprisingly, no one has taken down yet. I hung out with Kaylee for a little while. But then she said she and Alex had a date planned. Which led me to believe that they were starting to become official.

And now I'm sitting on the couch downstairs. My phone in my hand, and a movie on. The notebook is playing. I found a CD in my room, so I decided to watch it. Even thought I'm not actually watching it.

I hear someone's footsteps walking down the stairs. I assume it's Diego, but then remember that he hasn't been coming out of his room lately. So it must be... Nadine.

I quickly stand up and go to the bottom of the staircase. Like I said.


He's dressed In a suit-per usual- and has a bottle of champagne in his hand. I want to smile. I want to think that he's here to apologize and is making it up to me. But I know that's not right.

He looks at me before going to the door and putting his coat on.

I clear my throat. "Where are you going?" I ask. He turns around to face me.


"Out where?"

"Don't worry, I'll be back in a little."

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