Before we start

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Before we start with this, we (the group in general) would like to apologise to every single user who has been hurt, attacked or/and harassed due to our association with Riot.
We deeply apologise for everything that was caused. For all the hate given to you guys due to our words, the constant arguments and for the extreme comments made by individuals.

Most members of the group chat were either unaware, or simply unactive when everything happened. This being due to the pressure given whenever Riot was called out or when an argument occurred.

This apology should've been done long ago, we are aware of that. We are also aware and completely understand if others don't forgive us, you have every right to be upset with us as you were a victim of Riot's actions and our association with her, you also have the right to still be angry. But please realise that we take responsibility and hold ourselves accountable for everything that was done.

This may not be the best apology for certain users, so if you are unsatisfied with it and you were a victim at some point, please private message us and we'll give a personal

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