Chapter 5

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"Is it just me or is the team acting weird?" Hinata thought to himself. He's been observing everyone since this morning and they are tensing up? More like they're scared and worried. Other than that their pheromones were making it obvious, smelling like how they are feeling.

Hinata giggled, realizing it was connected from yesterday, they didn't even know he was listening to them. He was grateful since he didn't need to come across Tsukishima. Then the air started to tense up more causing him to feel more nauseous, so he ran to the bathroom again.

Puking all the food he ate this morning, he felt weak but he was just happy for one reason. Then someone called his name, when he turned around he saw Shimizu wearing a very worried face.

"Shoyo!?" Shimizu shouted, she ran to Hinata helping him get up. Flushing the toilet in the process, she closed it and made him sit down. She gave him the water she was holding, and he gladly accepted it.

"Sho-Kun, should I bring you to the nurse!?" Hinata just smiled at Shimizu.

"No need, this is normal!" Exclaimed Hinata, Shimizu was confused but she was able to figure it out. "Oh shit really!?" Shimizu excitedly shouted as she cover her mouth. "Shi-chan you cursed" Hinata giggled.

"Sorry, it's just like seriously!?" Shimizu shouted as she got a hum as a response. "That's why you smelled like Tsukishima." Hinata hummed again.

"Congrats Shoyo but how long?"

"1 month and a half"


"Please calm down, and keep it a secret?"

"Other than that, how are you here? No Alpha would let their omega leave if they are in your situation..."

"Oh I ran away," Hinata said proudly which made Shimizu shocked.

"Wait wait what!?"

"Yeah I ran away from a salty beanpole, I mean it is his fault," Hinata said as he pouted. "Other than that Shi-chan, he's coming today, right? For Yamaguchi?"

"Yeah, They were childhood friends according to Yamaguchi and he just got back from the USA last year. It's honestly quite obvious that Yamaguchi likes Tsukishima and everyone really expected that Tsukishima also likes him back but since your Alpha is Tsukishima so that won't be possible. Did you know?"

Hinata shook his head "No, he never told me..."

"Oh sorry, did I say too much?"

"No it's fine, but please do tell the team that I'll be staying in the nurse's office for a while, if he sees me, he might take me home so I'm hiding and please do try to cover up my scent around the gym. Do your job Alpha Shimizu "

"Hai hai~"

"Wait- How are you even here? Shi-chan you're in the boy's bathroom..."

"I just followed you?" The two looked at each other and laughed, then went on their own separate ways. Hinata went to the nurse's office while Shimizu went back to the gym and told the others to cover up Hinata's scent.

When Tsukishima came, Yamaguchi was happy and was enjoying his time. While all Tsukishima could think of is his run-away mate, causing him to space out when talking to Yamaguchi or just stare at him. Well, Yamaguchi on the other hand misunderstood, he thought that Tsukishima was staring at him causing him to blush. The team saw this and was supporting and taking pictures.

"Photo number 427 collected" Announced by Ennoshita

"They're so cute aren't they?" Exclaimed Yachi, everyone agreed well except for Shimizu.

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