Emilys background

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sup I'm Emily and this is my story

Im Emily and im here to tell you all what happened in my life when I was little my mom sent me away to this school and I didn't know it at the time. but I had siblings and when I got to this school they told me that my mom was their mom and. they asked who was my father but I didn't know who he was because my mom never told me because she said he was a really bad man and I shouldn't know who he is. and I never did my mom didn't even tell me what his name was I don't know why but I never new who he was growing up my mom has 7 kids and two of them I don't know but I did grow up with my three brothers. the only people who I didn't grow up with was my sisters and dad. even now I don't know who he Is but anyways im 18 know im still in this school a lot of my siblings have step siblings but im the only one who doesn't. but that doesn't mater because they act like I am and I don't care plus I don't need them when I have him well I still need them but not as much as I need him and you may be asking who is him well him is..... the love of my life we are a lot alike before we stared dating we both didn't really like anyone. but I don't like to say it out loud but its not like I don't like people its that I don't want to get hurt because ever since I was little everyone disappointed me and it was hard to let someone in and you also may be asking what is his name well his name is Sin. he has been there for me when I needed someone I never really got love I new what it was but I never thought I would feel what love is and when I felt it for the first time I didn't really know how to feel about it I didn't really understand it and why with him but after a while I new why he made me feel things i never thought I could feel and I was okay with that but I was also scared because I didn't know if he loved me and I didn't want to get hurt so I didn't tell him until one day I accidentally told him I thought he was going to say I don't love you but he didn't he said he loved me too and I was so happy after that day I knew I would love him forever anyways back to my story I did spells to see who my father was but it never showed then one day it did and I showed it to my mom she told me to never do this spell again and that it wasn't him I was disappointed and mad I was one of the best and powerful witches in the world and when I needed a spell I couldn't even get it right but I was also mad at my mom I'm 18 I can handle myself but she acts like I'm a baby plus she knows how powerful I am why doesn't she trust me I asked myself that same question a lot and I still don't know the answer I tried everything but I can't I don't know exactly what I am I know that I'm part vampire and part witch but I'm more than that I can control fire and when I'm mad there's a cloud over me and when I'm happy the sun is out I never understood it and I still don't not even in this school for people like me that is why we're going to Mystic Falls and going to Salvatore boarding school my mom didn't want me to go she said it was better for me to stay here but I'm 18 I can make my own decisions i'm not just going nor just sin my siblings are also going with me and I'm really excited I know my mom is going to get mad at me but she has to understand that I'm not a baby anymore and yes it's probably more dangerous to go there but I don't care it's time to see my siblings parents and sins parents I don't know if they're going to like me though I hope they do I'm excited to meet them sin tells me that he's more like his father so I am excited to meet him because if sin is anything like his father I am definitely going to like him. And I definitely want to see the person who gave birth to him

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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